SMF - Just Installed!
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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar
Started by caskur, July 14, 2018, 11:07:04 PM
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March of the Penguins was filmed in Antarctica.Quote from: "caskur"
I actually concur regarding the widespread use of plastic in our consumer driven society...but moreso in countries that care nothing for the environment.Quote from: "Bricktop"
I don't know about WA, but SA has a filtration system for drainage that catches a lot of the discarded material before it hits the ocean. Not all...but most. I would be amazed if WA was any different.
But 90% or MORE of the plastic debris in the ocean comes from Africa and Asia, where countries just flush their crap into the sea and assume mother nature will somehow deal with it.
In the meantime, package makers continue to pump of megatons of plastic cups, boxes, packaging and utensils FULL in the knowledge that their crap will be dumped for centuries on the planet. Instead of the UN trying to control immigration laws on sovereign nations, it should be imposing laws on plastic product manufacturers that enforce a principle of "you make dispose of it"...and watch how quickly alternative materials become implemented.
Corporations, governments and the producers themselves know full well that disposable plastic implements will end up covering the planet sooner rather than later. It's time the polluters themselves...NOT the end user...took action.
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