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Re: Forum gossip thread by Frood

King Martini

Started by Anonymous, January 07, 2020, 01:14:45 AM

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The nurse in the picture didnt find it obscene. Neither did I.

 And this key here so follow it, because you arent convincing anyone of your bullshit.

 I was wrong to trust the wrong person.

 Martini is 110 percent responsible for having a butt hurt shitty tantrum, telling multiple lies, chosing to attempt to get a woman with kids fired out of spite, and calling it a "clap back" .  This shit isnt normal. Normal people do not do that.

 Narcisstic abusers DO.

 He was literally begged by several people to NOT be a psycho harrasser and do something he did not have to do that could impact someones but went ahead and did it anyway because he is an absolute selfish POS.

 But it's pretty clear he is the kind trash who blames everyone else for HIS horrific vindictive actions because well "deeerrr you shouldnt have trusted me with fuck all, that'll learn ya!"  


 You may as well drop it, because no one really cares abd these manipulation tactics dont actually work.  There is absolutely no point in wasting any more posts or time on someone so disconnected from reality and so twisted with lies and manipulation attempts that they arent even stable enough to have basic life skills.

 Its honestly the saddest fucking shit I've ever seen.

 Finding someone as completely fucked up as Martini is like finding a 50 in the couch cushions. Only without any if the value or happiness.


Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"Being discussed as a mentally broken cretin who attacked a woman with children's job because she hurt his feelings is only "iconic" to a narcissist.

 I suppose being popular for being an unhinged piece of shit is better than being nothing.

You're labouring under the assumption that he's the one doing the caring. Not some loser who is desperately trying to revive interest in a failed social media interest.

 I mean you can feel free to point to where anyone discusses him or his fucktardy until he...or anonymous guests and other handles start in about it.

You mean like we are doing now? While others are of the prevailing opinion that the person accused of being him is not actually him?

Ask yourself; why would anyone choose to name him specifically, when there are other more visible and identifiable posters about. Are these other people not sufficiently interesting enough to drive interest off their own back? Or are they in fact desirous of promulgating the belief that someone more polarising (and therefore more iconic than they) has joined the fray?

See, I have no problem in copping to my identity, even though I cannot be arsed to register given the shenanigans that took place in this forum the last time I was here. But the truth is you and everyone else (apart from a few with access to IP records and the willingness to crosscheck them) have no proof I am who has been claimed for me, even if I myself claim it. I mean, Caskur herself has claimed I've been responsible for a variety of posts made across multiple forums and only I and the person who actually made them knew for sure that she was full of shit. Everyone else was left to judge for themselves whether or not I was actually posting, or if it was someone trying to generate a bit of extra traffic their own persona had been maxed the fuck out of.

The same can be said of Martini. And I say this from a position of disagreeing with his methods, but also willing to admit that however base they might be regarded, they still cast a sufficient shadow over the efforts of the regulars to warrant even an imitator's efforts enough consideration to get the ball rolling for however many posts. That in and of itself affords him the status of "iconic", certainly more so than if someone was wildly fingerpointing at some random giiblet from years ago that absolutely nobody else remembered.


 Definition of iconic

1: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an icon

2a: widely recognized and well-established

an iconic brand name

b: widely known and acknowledged especially for distinctive excellence

 You gonna stand by this?


Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"Kudos for noticing it takes a serious lack of self respect to confide and get involved with a LVM like Martini though.

 Couldnt have said it better myself.

 Thank God it didnt last long.

From the looks of it, it seems somebody is still dragging this out....

Martini doesn't really care, btw. He's playing Fortnite

Of course they're dragging it out. The Martini brand is virtually guaranteed to have such a result if you invoke it.

Iconic. Few enough can claim that kind of a result, most have to keep their finger in the pie to be remembered. But Martini is a rare exception... he could play Fortnight exclusively for the next ten years and people would still be yowling whenever his name came up.

Quote from: "Guest" Definition of iconic

1: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an icon

2a: widely recognized and well-established

an iconic brand name

b: widely known and acknowledged especially for distinctive excellence

 You gonna stand by this?

Absolutely. Feel free to castigate it for all you're worth, but 2a: nails precisely what I was speaking to. His nym is in fact widely recognised and well established, he is an icon. In fact I could easily make a case for 2b: while we are ai it, being that he is widely known, frequently acknowledged and has especially proven distinctive excellence in pissing people like you off.

I suspect you are conflating "iconic" with something akin to "heroic". Don't.



Narcissistic abusers blame everyone but themselves for the bullshit they get themselves into, then do everything in their power to manipulate everyone around them into believing their bullshit.

Martini contacted somebody's job to make sure the information he had wasn't going to get him into trouble. Fired or not fired, he didn't care either way. That is the cold, hard truth of the matter. It was a married, adult woman, who manipulated everyone, going as far as contacting the mother of his children, for ammunition to use on him on a message board.,which, the same married woman did before Martini contacted somebodies job.

From what I understand, all the lines were crossed by the married woman, who put a little bit too much stock into the things Martini was saying and, while trying to impress Martini with disgusting photographs of patients, failed to remember she had sent such information or recognize Martini was appalled.

One person, and one person alone is to blame for all that drama, and it isn't Martini. A married woman isn't some sort of catch in this day and age especially one with obvious mental issues and emotional damage.

Honestly, how could any confident man ever take a married woman, who drove out to him a handful of times, seriously? Or even fathom some sort of relationship with them when they are cheating on their own husband with them?

Sorry about your penis?


I'm going on the definition.  

 So a handful of people on a flame board find him to be a spazzy NPD douchebag who doesnt follow through with anything and sold 8 coffee mugs. 7 of them usable.

 If that's iconic .. I mean you know what have it.  It's actually really kinda sad so I dont even wanna bother arguing it.

 And here, everyone thinks Prince and Bowie when they hear "iconic".  I'll try not avoid tripping on definitions and standards.



Quote from: "Guest"Actually....

Narcissistic abusers blame everyone but themselves for the bullshit they get themselves into, then do everything in their power to manipulate everyone around them into believing their bullshit.

Martini contacted somebody's job to make sure the information he had wasn't going to get him into trouble. Fired or not fired, he didn't care either way. That is the cold, hard truth of the matter. It was a married, adult woman, who manipulated everyone, going as far as contacting the mother of his children, for ammunition to use on him on a message board.,which, the same married woman did before Martini contacted somebodies job.

From what I understand, all the lines were crossed by the married woman, who put a little bit too much stock into the things Martini was saying and, while trying to impress Martini with disgusting photographs of patients, failed to remember she had sent such information or recognize Martini was appalled.

One person, and one person alone is to blame for all that drama, and it isn't Martini. A married woman isn't some sort of catch in this day and age especially one with obvious mental issues and emotional damage.

Honestly, how could any confident man ever take a married woman, who drove out to him a handful of times, seriously? Or even fathom some sort of relationship with them when they are cheating on their own husband with them?

Sorry about your penis?

 Really that's why he did it?

 Because I have several versions from him as to why.

 First it was the switch. Then because I talked to his ex. Then it was my naughty behavoir because apparently Murd put thoughts in my head. Then it was concern for the patient.  It just keeps changing.  I'm gonna add this to collection of bullshit justifications that just still keep growing. This is so ignorant it's insane.

 Do you think anyone buys the bullshit?  You think it's that good eh?  

 He is a textbook narcissist complete with excuses, gaslighting, pathological lying and abusive harrassment and the poor victim mentality cherry on the top.  

 All demonstrable, too.

 So just drop, yeah?  I figured he was gonna have me forever tied up in bullshit investigations, while incoherently shrieking to his ex that if her and talk it is "conspiracy against a federal witness(LMAO)" and acting like "HIPPA agents" were monitoring me.  This ocean of pathological bullshit was DEEP.

 So my "cuck"(husband i was seperated from and actually filed divorced with, who Martini needed to be a cuck because his self esteem is shit and he HAD create some drama, as always) and I decided it was safer if i quit. When someone has that level of unhinged audacity, it's best to just get the fuck out of their reach. But NONE of this bullshit interfered with me getting a wonderful reference.

 So essentailly Doves Cuck and myself have been working through things and I've been blessed to be able to be home with the kiddos and chill.  Not thinking or talking about that insanely dramatic mess.

 So WHY does this continue to be a topic?  Someone desperate for approval of their piggish fucked up actions?

 Because absolutely no one gives about this bullshit and no one is gonna approve of that.


And this is the last post I will make on this forum, because he's getting pissed off;

If these message boards are better off without him, why try to tempt him back? He is happy doing what he's doing and hasn't said a single word about these forums in a month. He just doesn't care.

You all need to move on and find somebody else to idolize.

Let it go


Quote from: "Guest"And this is the last post I will make on this forum, because he's getting pissed off;

If these message boards are better off without him, why try to tempt him back? He is happy doing what he's doing and hasn't said a single word about these forums in a month. He just doesn't care.

You all need to move on and find somebody else to idolize.

Let it go

 I dont know why you are asking me this, because I really do not give a shit what that lying loser does. Dont care where he posts, either. Dont care if he is pissed either.  He is so full of shit he has no business being "pissed" after the entitled nasty shit he has pulled and the lies he has told.

 He is simply not valid.

 I'm not suprised that I take a bit of time away, come back, dont talk about him or go to where he us or anything and yet this topic seems to crop up, all passionately, from people who are "not Poofer" yet may as well be sharing a brain with him.

 If you think anything about these boards is "inconic", or "idol" worthy that speaks volumes about how lacking your reality is.  If you want him to be the coolest kid at the handicapped table, well lucky him....there is no line.

 Good luck!


Quote from: "Guest"I'm going on the definition.

So am I. And I've even gone to the trouble to explain to you how the definition agrees with my use of the word.

Not my fault if you don't understand English, or if you're so irate you want to continue to argue from a point of weakness with a person who is already on record as disagreeing with his methods. Or who has in their previous post warned you against conflating certain characteristics of one word with another.

This isn't the first time you and I have fenced on nomenclature, now is it?

Quote from: "Guest"
 And here, everyone thinks Prince and Bowie when they hear "iconic".

And rightly so. They too satisfy the definition in the strictest sense. Because they are well established and recognised names, widely known and acknowledged for distinctive excellence in what they did. That doesn't mean to say they were perfect, or even desirable to be around for any appreciable length of time. You would need a different word than "iconic" to measure that attribute.

If that seems pedantic, so what? I was encouraged to chase out the definitions of words from the Pocket Oxford dictionary from an early age. When encountering words not listed in that abridged tome, I would schlepp on down to the local library and pore over a copy of the Shorter Oxford dictionary. I grew up around various academics, read a ton of stuff for my own amusement and got to know the English language pretty well. Stood me in excellent stead when I entered secondary school and had to contend with things like emotive language, studies which are apparent to me that you never undertook (or failed to appreciate if you did).

No biggie, that's why we have this thing called "communication". You are attempting to shoehorn attributes into the word "iconic" which are not listed in the definition, I am letting you know that you are and encouraging you to use the word in its definitive sense and eschew any erroneous value added judgements for its meaning which are not provided for in the definition.


I'm literally only using the definition.

 I dont think being known by 20 people tops on these boards makes the use of the word "iconic" appropriate. And I'm sure the "excellence" part is debatable depending on excellence in what.

 If all it takes is being known and imitated on these boards, I mean....there are a lot of iconic people. Apparenting including my cuck husband, yeah?


Fortnite uses subliminal messages hidden inside the game code to make people become unhinged. Juts search youtube for Fortnite rage and meltdowns to see all the vids of people taking a video game way too seriously




Quote from: "Guest"And this is the last post I will make on this forum, because he's getting pissed off;

If these message boards are better off without him, why try to tempt him back? He is happy doing what he's doing and hasn't said a single word about these forums in a month. He just doesn't care.

You all need to move on and find somebody else to idolize.

Let it go

Yeah, like that's ever going to happen in a hurry. Trust me, a month of non combative silence on my part did nothing to stop Erika from flipping the fuck right out, people were trolling her constantly in my absence while she leaked my PI at them in retaliation. She was reduced to doxxing her own kids barely two months into it and was repeatedly demanding of her tormentors that I vomit myself to death by the four month mark when I finally made my presence known on the boards. This year marks the fourth anniversary of it and my frequent absences from the fray have had about as much bearing on her state of mind as my attempts to be reasonable have, or indeed my slapping her down whenever she started getting lippy.

Martini will be no different. Even if the pair of them were to come out and claim the whole spectacle was a troll from start to finish, there would still be those who would afford the drama the ring of truth. He'll be remembered long after Dove becomes a footnote. Too many bruised egos to let it die, even should he and Dove shuffle off the face of the earth tomorrow, there'll be people throwing out his nym on the offchance it will get a reaction.


The thing is, SC?

 I dont care. Have you ever been involved at all with a Narcissist?  If you have, than you know they boomerang. Its kind if a shocker if they dont.

 So when I'm completely ignoring this guy, posting about other shit, moving on from all that shit, I get these really upset people coming to me as his mouth peice ranting about it. The funny part is, every one of them talks exactly like him. Same wonky line of logic, same excuses and lies, same gaslighting.

 It's not rocket science, SC. But I'll play a long and pretend I dont know. To be honest i dont even gaf.

 What he did was unbelievably fucked up and he is a real shit bag, sure.  But it's not like I'm fucking afraid of him or worried about him breaking the law. I dont care where and how he posts, if he crosses that boundary again I will retaliate.

 If no one ever brought this up, it would die.

 Like I said I met up a few times with a guy who turned out to be a pathological liar and a whack job. Nothing extraordinary here.

 I can view him like the other hooker on the corner, I'm long as he stays in his lane, doesnt cross any boundaries or continue ranting on about a situation im conpletely over, there is absolutely nothing for him to worry about.

 I'm not the first person to hook up with a psycho.  It's really not a big deal.  I WOULD advise anyone to use caution as he does brag about having everyones PI.


And honestly? I hope he DOES get remembered here after I'm a "footnote".  

 I'm unsure why you felt the need to say that, it's a really bizzare thing to say. Was that some sort of insult?

 Am I supposed to feel bad if I'm forgettable on these forums?  Honestly?,

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