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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

Will the next new poster at MMP last a half hour before leaving

Started by Anonymous, January 11, 2020, 10:14:21 PM

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Wiil the next new leader last 30 minutes at MMP before leaving

Yes, but nobody could stomach an hour there.
3 (21.4%)
No way, who would want to register there in the first place.
11 (78.6%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: January 11, 2020, 10:14:21 PM


Sea Major should be banned at MMP even though he hasn't violated the MMP TOS!  

Spam should be a permabannable offense!!!  I don't like him and he shouldn't be allowed to post @ MMP!!!!


Quote from: "Limp Wrist Admin"Sea Major should be banned at MMP even though he hasn't violated the MMP TOS!  

Spam should be a permabannable offense!!!  I don't like him and he shouldn't be allowed to post @ MMP!!!!

The number one poster is a geriatric spammer with the cognitive abilities of a retarded four year old. Ya, that is how you grow a frickin forum. ac_lmfao


Quote from: "Herman"Sea Dunce sure as hell aint one of them.

Sea Major isn't a Valhallan and therefor not a seasoned shitz & gigglez loving troll.  I can't speak for him.  

However, I don't want to come-off to the ENTIRE community (including the flame sites) as a thin-skinned owner not allowing him to post on my site because people don't like him or have had issues with him spamming other sites in the past.  I'm trying to be fair to everyone who registers at my site and I stand by my mission statement that everyone gets a chance at MMP.  

We also have a fully-functioning IGNORE feature at MMP.  

xoxo Purdy Murdy


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Limp Wrist Admin"Sea Major should be banned at MMP even though he hasn't violated the MMP TOS!  

Spam should be a permabannable offense!!!  I don't like him and he shouldn't be allowed to post @ MMP!!!!

The number one poster is a geriatric spammer with the cognitive abilities of a retarded four year old. Ya, that is how you grow a frickin forum. ac_lmfao

This statement is NOT true.  FACT.  

Sea Major is absolutely not the number one poster on MMP.  He is simply a single poster on MMP who registered and has for the most part kept to himself and does not represent the troll community that Murdy is trying to preserve.


Quote from: "Internet Fact Checker"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Limp Wrist Admin"Sea Major should be banned at MMP even though he hasn't violated the MMP TOS!  

Spam should be a permabannable offense!!!  I don't like him and he shouldn't be allowed to post @ MMP!!!!

The number one poster is a geriatric spammer with the cognitive abilities of a retarded four year old. Ya, that is how you grow a frickin forum. ac_lmfao

This statement is NOT true.  FACT.  

Sea Major is absolutely not the number one poster on MMP.  He is simply a single poster on MMP who registered and has for the most part kept to himself and does not represent the troll community that Murdy is trying to preserve.

You keep telling urself that. During my 5 mins there I took a look. It's not a flame forum, it's not a discussion  forum, like WTF?? However, it does have the biggest forum cancer across all these boards. He is one of the only daily contributors.

I give that mortuary of a board 6 months.


Quote from: "The Iron Chink"
Quote from: "Internet Fact Checker"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Limp Wrist Admin"Sea Major should be banned at MMP even though he hasn't violated the MMP TOS!  

Spam should be a permabannable offense!!!  I don't like him and he shouldn't be allowed to post @ MMP!!!!

The number one poster is a geriatric spammer with the cognitive abilities of a retarded four year old. Ya, that is how you grow a frickin forum. ac_lmfao

This statement is NOT true.  FACT.  

Sea Major is absolutely not the number one poster on MMP.  He is simply a single poster on MMP who registered and has for the most part kept to himself and does not represent the troll community that Murdy is trying to preserve.

You keep telling urself that. During my 5 mins there I took a look. It's not a flame forum, it's not a discussion  forum, like WTF?? However, it does have the biggest forum cancer across all these boards. He is one of the only daily contributors.

I give that mortuary of a board 6 months.

You mislead me into believing you wanted to be a part of MMP..

If I had known you were only going there to stir up cross forum drama, I would never have told you about MMP..

Thanks for putting me in an uncomfortable situation with Murdy.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "The Iron Chink"
Quote from: "Internet Fact Checker"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Limp Wrist Admin"Sea Major should be banned at MMP even though he hasn't violated the MMP TOS!  

Spam should be a permabannable offense!!!  I don't like him and he shouldn't be allowed to post @ MMP!!!!

The number one poster is a geriatric spammer with the cognitive abilities of a retarded four year old. Ya, that is how you grow a frickin forum. ac_lmfao

This statement is NOT true.  FACT.  

Sea Major is absolutely not the number one poster on MMP.  He is simply a single poster on MMP who registered and has for the most part kept to himself and does not represent the troll community that Murdy is trying to preserve.

You keep telling urself that. During my 5 mins there I took a look. It's not a flame forum, it's not a discussion  forum, like WTF?? However, it does have the biggest forum cancer across all these boards. He is one of the only daily contributors.

I give that mortuary of a board 6 months.

You mislead me into believing you wanted to be a part of MMP..

If I had known you were only going there to stir up cross forum drama, I would never have told you about MMP..

Thanks for putting me in an uncomfortable situation with Murdy.

I had fun. That's all that matters. ac_razz


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Sea Major functions at a junior kindergarten level and is incapable of doing that..

On top of all of that he's a stalker who has pictures of anyone who has ever posted a picture on his image sharing service..

The epithet "stalker" has been tossed about so much and by enough alarmists as to afford it the internet equivalent of "Russian asset" and "Alt right neo nazi". I'm not belittling your appraisal of Semen Jaw here, just pointing out the term lost all its meaning long ago. As for having pictures of anyone who ever hosted them on his image service, that's a bit of a no-brainer. I mean if they were uploaded willingly to a service he was offering in the first place...

I've been called a stalker and a PI harvester. The truth is that in all but a few isolated cases, all that PI has been willingly handed to me, if not by the very people it pertains to, then by third parties who were plied with it and passed it on unsolicited. I say "nearly all cases" because there have been isolated instances where I've plugged a detail or three into search browsers to determine it's a breach of a PI rule requiring moderation or simply a cunningly concealed troll to pass it off as such. This apparently makes me more of a clear and present danger than say, the owner of Flame Damnation. A site which, if truth be known, is maintained solely for the purposes of archiving any and all details pertaining to the various posters down through the years that its admin (who posts here and with whom you are somewhat friendly towards) can dip into and repost it, even blockspamming entire threads with it in ways that would make Semen Jaw blush.

So yeah, I'm not going to contest the branding of Semen Jaw as a stalker, since by the extremely liberal application of the term a good third of your regulars have been called it at some point or other. Fact is you may have good reason to brand him such or merely think you have good reason; I'm scarcely going to know which it is since I've only the most tangential of associations with the guy and am happy for it to remain that way since he's brought so little to the table on the few occasions I've tangled with him.

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Shen Li has a mean steak and doesn't suffer fools easily..

She mocked Sea Major a lot, and in response he pm'd the exact same disgusting message to her twelve times in one day..

In response, I removed his pm privileges..

He started posting the exact same message on the main board......Cronus banned him permanently..

Yeah well, you do what you do to get you over the line I guess. I didn't write the rules for this board, but then again I also didn't invest dollar one in it so it's not for me to second-guess its owners activities or those of his delegates. It's enough to know where you've set the boundaries and how stringently or loosely you interpret them. I in my turn (and others in theirs) are free to make the decision for themselves whether or not it agrees with us and if I am to speak purely for myself, if I had as serious an issuethem as I do with say, Mudcock's Moosh Pash..I wouldn't be here now. I'm perfectly capable of moderating myself and that, for what it's worth, extends to the fumbling methods of certain actors where my inbox is concerned. Plenty of instances of their efforts going unopened in my inbox throughout the years, just sayin'.

Quote from: "Fashionista"Every other forum has banned him or reprimanded him at one point or another, but then reversed themselves......we won't do that..

Our competitive edge is that we are a Sea Spam free zone..

Not Flame Truth. We had so few rules there that we didn't need them formalized in a rules post. Ceedub gave me to understand from the outset that the board represented a little something for her to play about with, that didn't preclude contributions from others though certainly wasn't going to be impacted in any way by their complete absence. As long as nothing that got posted was in breach of ToS or US law and was not a deliberate attempt to sabotage the running of the board, anyone who came past was pretty much free to register and moderate their own posting efforts. I had occasion to remove posting privileges for three separate users, each of whom were invited to register fresh accounts to continue posting as soon as they wished. All three chose instead to split the scene for places where they could rail about "being banned" when in actual fact they were really just moderating their actions on the board by their very absence. Which worked fine from my perspective, I sure as hell wasn't interested in micromanaging troublemakers, nor was I overly keen on inspecting every new registrant trying their hand at ban evasion. Much easier to spend the ten seconds it took to slap them over the wrist and invite them to try again I figured, the onus was on them to jump through all the hoops of creating emails, user accounts, profiles etc. A workable system in my book.

Ceedub was a little heavier handed, as is her right. She's the one paying for the damn thing, she gets to make the ultimate call. Which she did by permabanning Abstract Pork on the charge of posting Bonesaw's PI, also nuking SirSuperSouthern's account for reasons I don't know the specifics of as it happened the week before I arrived back there from here. All I know is it was some text he had posted which Ceedub deemed illegal. Oh, and there was her preemptive ban on Caskur, along with a couple of instances of a certain forum owner attempting to register at the forum with a bunch of someone else's PI in their profile. That was caught and actioned long before I ever got wind of it. The result was a forum where the readership to postcount ratio was insanely high and the dickhead quotient practically non-existent.

And no Semen Jaw to be seen. Actually a good many of the rabble were in the habit of steering clear of the place which was fine because postcount was never the primary consideration of that board. Which, truth be told is why it is Ceedub and only Ceedub who has successfully talked me into taking an admin panel in more than a dozen years.

Quote from: "Fashionista"Oh, I never registered at CBT......Herman did when he was drunk, but I don't know how it went....I assume he was banned.

Doesn't surprise me if he was, from the little I saw it's board owner was only a marginally higher functioning creature than Semen Jaw. Again, his forum, he can do what he likes with it. Including the issuing thousand year long bans that are set to expire with their board long before I do.


Quote from: "Sr. Forum Analysis Admin"MMP is a small, PUBLIC forum housing numerous trolls who have been dormant since flamers killed the game.

Ahh yes, the same tired old cry that it was the mean, nasty old flamers who killed the game. You whining little sissy, you couldn't tell the difference between a hater and a flamer, not even if both crawled up your stumps and took turns moulding your dung funnel into an ash tray.

Quote from: "Sr. Forum Analysis Admin"Murdy is unwilling to allow cross-forum drama and unilateral decisions from her panel spanning between multiple forums.  She is a fair owner.

She couldn't tell the difference between a hater and a flamer if both crawled up her stumps and moulding her dung funnel into an ash tray either.

Quote from: "Sr. Forum Analysis Admin"Too bad she has so many issues with admins and their inability to not panel abuse or take out their personal vendettas on her site. My most recent assessment indicates she will survive this last round of shit-show toxic drama and the existing members there will welcome new posters.

And that is exactly why she will continue to have problems. Who appointed those admins? It sure as fuck wasn't me. And don't imagine for a moment the irony is lost on me that these admins were considered more troll than flamer.

That's not a flame OR a troll forum, it's a fucking hugbox. Moshpit my achey breaky arseburps, you'd have to clear that shithole of all the zimmer frames and motorised fatty scooters first!


Blandscape was booted from Flame Truth after he had some type of mental breakdown and started typing the same thing over and over.

It was very odd, bordering on downright creepy. He has recovered a bit but still seems to go on all day benders where he will start a thread and remain in said thread for hours responding to anyone who retorts. It's creepy.


Quote from: "Flame Truth News"Blandscape was booted from Flame Truth after he had some type of mental breakdown and started typing the same thing over and over.

It was very odd, bordering on downright creepy. He has recovered a bit but still seems to go on all day benders where he will start a thread and remain in said thread for hours responding to anyone who retorts. It's creepy.

Does Bumscope post at CBT. If not he would fit right in with those woke wankers.


Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Herman"Sea Dunce sure as hell aint one of them.

I don't want to come-off to the ENTIRE community (including the flame sites) as a thin-skinned owner not allowing him to post on my site because people don't like him or have had issues with him spamming other sites in the past.  I'm trying to be fair to everyone who registers at my site

Lovely sentiments Mudcock. Let me regale you with tales of another fat retard who thought the same.

Her name was Danger. Perhaps you've heard of her, she was the 2IC of Bawk Mall. She wasn't a flamer any more than you are, she (along with Bawk Mall's owner Doomsday whose nuts she held in escrow for him) was a member of the ~T~D~T~ who were trolling WebTV and Uselessnet newsgroups way before that nappyhead of a techie of yours took to wearing collanders on his muppet-like bonce for Turd Valhalla.

She also claimed she did not wish to be seen as "weak" or "thin skinned" by not allowing certain people the luxury of posting at "her" forum; the truth is she was busy trying to one-up her competition (Flame4Cash) to the point where she would take just anybody. Including minors, just so as you know. That's how much she didn't wish to be seen as "weak".

Guess what? It didn't work. Too focused on what other people might say about her... THAT is both weak and thin skinned. Appointing people to act on the admins behalf on the board and throwing tanties when they didn't do it to her specification... also weak and thin skinned. Five years into BH's existance, she was considered so weak and thin skinned, even Doomsday had dropped her lily livered chickenshit ass (along with all the caterwauling that went with), written his own balls off (since as a paraplegic he couldn't get an erection anyway) and started schmoozing about with one of Evil Blood's slops... a 400 pound pig who went by the name of Jowels. It's unclear if this was before or after he discovered what Danger actually looked like. Dear god, she made Attention Whore look like a catwalk model... not an easy task. What I can tell you is that by the time Jowels ditched old Terry No-Legs to get away from the tales of her felony record getting passed about like a Jersey Gurl at a Benzover-sponsored fuckpig rally, Old Wheeliebin was in no hurry to rekindle his romance with Katie-Kong and elected for an almost homosexual relationship with YoKo and Joodog. Well it's not like a paraplegic yard ape was ever going to be a Man for a woman, any more than he'd earn an assgasm out of being plooked by a couple of fucktards, but at least he got their "protection" like any good little prisonbitch might expect. Meanwhile, by about BH's tenth year, Danger herself was considered so weak and beneath contempt that Blackmuse was tossing her PI about with impunity and earning the accolades of people you have seen fit to include in your circle over at the Suckpit.

Presumably there was a component of trying to appear Tough and Strong among your peers at the Sperging Grindz which you have all but forsaken, but you are treading the exact same path that ~T~D~T~ troll did years before... letting in people with no clear purpose for being at your forum and complaining "they broke it" when it goes tits up. No bitch, YOU broke it. You, a TROLL, broke it by not standing up and saying "not the fuck on my watch, asshole", doing what needed to be done and damn the court of public opinion. THAT is strength. If Katie-Kong had any in her, she too would have said "get the fuck out" to anyone not up to par and your mate Jersey Gurl likely would never have got a look-in at BH as a result. Nor would all those "false positive flamers" you keep insisting wrecked the game for you.

Jesus Christ, take some responsibility for your actions, woman. Sitting back on your hands and wailing "muh repyootaaaayshun" is possibly THE single WEAKEST stunt you could hope to pull. With trying to blame the results for the ill fortunes of a community instead of the root cause.

Which in BH's case was Danger, and in MMP's case... you.

Fuck off and fix your forum, dipshit. Do not pass Submit, do not post any tl;dr's.  :punish:


Murdock's accepts no responsibility for her forum's failure. It's everybody else's fault that nobody wants to post there. :crazy:


Quote from: "The Iron Chink"Murdock's accepts no responsibility for her forum's failure. It's everybody else's fault that nobody wants to post there. :crazy:

Don't get me wrong. I take full responsibility for not wanting to post there. I just refuse to take responsibility for the steaming lumps of meadow muffins that convinced me to not want to post there.

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