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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

Will the next new poster at MMP last a half hour before leaving

Started by Anonymous, January 11, 2020, 10:14:21 PM

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Wiil the next new leader last 30 minutes at MMP before leaving

Yes, but nobody could stomach an hour there.
3 (21.4%)
No way, who would want to register there in the first place.
11 (78.6%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: January 11, 2020, 10:14:21 PM


Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "The Iron Chink"Murdock's accepts no responsibility for her forum's failure. It's everybody else's fault that nobody wants to post there. :crazy:


She is the worst thing to happen to her own forum.  She's vapid and boring to anyone that doesn't want to see her floppy tits and dragging ass.

I'll bet there will be more than a few clamouring to be let into Martini's new forum if these three merge!

Why do you say that?

Observation. You might get along well with both forum owners, it is a mistake to think that everyone does. I count at least five currently active posters off the top of my head who would prefer a Martini run forum to the triumvirate you are proposing and if those five split for that particular pasture, others will be dividing their time between your proposed superforum, Martini's New Peoples Forum and most likely, keeping a close eye on Ceedub's forums when they go back live this year.

Short answer, you can amalgamate these forums, it will not have the desired result you are seeking. I surely will not be joining any forum that has proven to be a haven for hackers.

Who are these five people?

Is it because of myself, Murdy, Erica or Biggie they won't join us?

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "The Iron Chink"Murdock's accepts no responsibility for her forum's failure. It's everybody else's fault that nobody wants to post there. :crazy:


She is the worst thing to happen to her own forum.  She's vapid and boring to anyone that doesn't want to see her floppy tits and dragging ass.

I'll bet there will be more than a few clamouring to be let into Martini's new forum if these three merge!

Why do you say that?

Observation. You might get along well with both forum owners, it is a mistake to think that everyone does. I count at least five currently active posters off the top of my head who would prefer a Martini run forum to the triumvirate you are proposing and if those five split for that particular pasture, others will be dividing their time between your proposed superforum, Martini's New Peoples Forum and most likely, keeping a close eye on Ceedub's forums when they go back live this year.

Short answer, you can amalgamate these forums, it will not have the desired result you are seeking. I surely will not be joining any forum that has proven to be a haven for hackers.

Who are these five people?

Is it because of myself, Murdy, Erica or Biggie they won't join us?

I think Sum Crybaby is referring to me when he wails at the moon with all this ""hacker"" stuff.

Comedy gold tbh.  

Somebody must have his meds mixed up again. Because On the one side of his bi-polar disorder i push a broom for a living and on the other i launch sophisticated SQL injection attacks against shit websites that no one gives a fuck about because  his posts are as dead and dreadful as his breath.

I guess when you've lived on someones couch for the past 15 years you simply remain blissfully unaware of the earning potential in todays job market a person which such skills can command

Look out for the teary eyed bore bomb that i wont bother reading in 10-9-8.........


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
It's her blog, not a forum.

My profile was deleted at SG and I was coming back from a 5 year retirement from troll forums when I opened MMP.

It was my blog... and then my friends started showing up.

Murdy, would you be open to a three way merger if flea hosted it?

As you know, I am.

I'm not even welcome on her site and she has been extremely unreasonable despite our having 2 friends in common.  

I'm not giving up my panel after the way I was treated by her at SG.  It was so bad that Big deleted his profile at one point.  We have the necessary rules and TOS in place at MMP.  If we have to rename it because everyone thinks it's my blog... then we will rename it.  

I'm down for Flea doing her thing on a flame forum sub that she runs.  I don't think she should have buttons because she is notorious for abusing them for NON-TOS violations.  I also don't think she is objective enough to be in charge.


Quote from: "Murdock"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
It's her blog, not a forum.

My profile was deleted at SG and I was coming back from a 5 year retirement from troll forums when I opened MMP.

It was my blog... and then my friends started showing up.

Murdy, would you be open to a three way merger if flea hosted it?

As you know, I am.

I'm not even welcome on her site and she has been extremely unreasonable despite our having 2 friends in common.  

I'm not giving up my panel after the way I was treated by her at SG.  It was so bad that Big deleted his profile at one point.  We have the necessary rules and TOS in place at MMP.  If we have to rename it because everyone thinks it's my blog... then we will rename it.  

I'm down for Flea doing her thing on a flame forum sub that she runs.  I don't think she should have buttons because she is notorious for abusing them for NON-TOS violations.  I also don't think she is objective enough to be in charge.

Let me talk to Erica first before you rule it out.

Biggie Smiles

All three current owners would need equal co admin authority

Id handle the server. And launch my sql injection attacks against dead sites from there

Lol... sorry....couldn't resist  ac_toofunny


Quote from: "ThugLife"All three current owners would need equal co admin authority

Id handle the server. And launch my sql injection attacks against dead sites from there

Lol... sorry....couldn't resist  ac_toofunny



Quote from: "ThugLife"All three current owners would need equal co admin authority

Id handle the server. And launch my sql injection attacks against dead sites from there

Lol... sorry....couldn't resist  ac_toofunny

Which site do we use or do we start a new site?


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "The Iron Chink"Murdock's accepts no responsibility for her forum's failure. It's everybody else's fault that nobody wants to post there. :crazy:


She is the worst thing to happen to her own forum.  She's vapid and boring to anyone that doesn't want to see her floppy tits and dragging ass.

I'll bet there will be more than a few clamouring to be let into Martini's new forum if these three merge!

Why do you say that?

Observation. You might get along well with both forum owners, it is a mistake to think that everyone does. I count at least five currently active posters off the top of my head who would prefer a Martini run forum to the triumvirate you are proposing and if those five split for that particular pasture, others will be dividing their time between your proposed superforum, Martini's New Peoples Forum and most likely, keeping a close eye on Ceedub's forums when they go back live this year.

Short answer, you can amalgamate these forums, it will not have the desired result you are seeking. I surely will not be joining any forum that has proven to be a haven for hackers.

Who are these five people?

Is it because of myself, Murdy, Erica or Biggie they won't join us?

First, I'm about as ready to divulge the confidences entrusted me as I am to start leaking peoples doxx all over the place. Which I haven't done in over two decades of forum life and I am scarcely about to start now. If they want to make themselves know to you, it is incumbent on them to do so, not for me to dob them in.

What I can tell you is this; SG has already fractured, more than once in fact, with a few jumping ship because they either had a problem with Flea, with Jersey Gurl, with certain other posters or a combination of the three. Some have made the trip back. Others have not. And a similar antipathy has been expressed towards certain members of Mudcock's forum and yes, it has included the owner, along with at least two of her one time trusted lieutenants, both of whom she has seen fit to throw under the bus in recent times. I've even marked a couple of disparaging remarks that indicate a few of your regulars are not entirely on board with the idea, they just havent been as virulent as some of the eruptions I've seen going on at SG particularly.

But then you already know this I strongly suspect. Moreover, I seem to recall you yourself were only earlier today trumpeting that this was a Semen Jaw free forum. Did you honestly think I had forgotten that? And what of Cronus? You know, the guy you had relieve you of your panel last April? You think he's going to suddenly be okay with flip-flopping on the topic of bans? Or is this where you earnestly inform me that autonomy between the forums will exist to the point that all will still effectively function as separate sites after the "amalgamation" with the only difference you are effectively handing control of Cronus's forum over to Jersey Gurl?

No Fash, I'm inclined to view this little discussion of yours as a little manufactured "drama", suggested in camera to be fleshed out here where certain people can be assured I'll stress test that thick skin of yours. Doesn't make a lick of difference from where I sit, as I have previously been given more than adequate reason to doubt your sincerity (remember those IP bans you swore never happened?) but just on the offchance I am doing you a gross disservice in viewing your integrity in this matter, I should probably hedge my bets on the matter and let you know now that the only "glue" the stands the remotest chance of preventing the burgeoning SG empire from splintering yet again is the presence of someone they can point the collected membership at and say "there's the problem; go get him".

I'm not prepared to come to that party. I'd rather stand with Ceedub and face another round of SQL injection attempts from the Jersey Gurl's place of business and look down my nose at any and all who would give them support.


Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"I think Sum Crybaby is referring to me when he wails at the moon with all this ""hacker"" stuff.

If the glass slipper fits, then wear it Cindergorilla. I personally find it a little difficult to believe there's anyone clued in enough to have spoofed the IPs of your employer and its various daughter organisations about the globe over the two weeks Ceedub spent running repairs on her site in the face of the ongoing attacks and think it far more likely you were either too stupid to mask its origins or just plain thumbing your nose.

Not proof in and of itself, I know that. But the fact you keep seeking to tie your name to it in such manner and yuck it up with others who either need no convincing in the first place or are just plain blase about associating with someone who settles his differences with illegal scripts because his arguments have failed him only lends more weight to your involvement as far as I'm concerned, not less.


Just to clarify Jersey Gurl, if it wasn't you, then it had to be someone with access to your IP and the knowledge of both boards Ceedub was running. Narrows the field quite neatly I think you'll find and in either case you are ultimately responsible, if not directly then indirectly by affording the hypothetical third party access to your IP and the corresponding IPs from the same company in overseas markets. At the end of that day, all that needs knowing is that MMP and SG are suspect.

And if Fash is indeed cool with throwing her lot in with such a crowd, then frankly she deserves all the pictures of fatties on bicycles that Semen Jaw can throw at her.

Well, at least until you ban him again and threaten Mudcock with walking if she doesn't give you your way, right Jersey Gurl?


Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "The Iron Chink"Murdock's accepts no responsibility for her forum's failure. It's everybody else's fault that nobody wants to post there. :crazy:


She is the worst thing to happen to her own forum.  She's vapid and boring to anyone that doesn't want to see her floppy tits and dragging ass.

I'll bet there will be more than a few clamouring to be let into Martini's new forum if these three merge!

Why do you say that?

Observation. You might get along well with both forum owners, it is a mistake to think that everyone does. I count at least five currently active posters off the top of my head who would prefer a Martini run forum to the triumvirate you are proposing and if those five split for that particular pasture, others will be dividing their time between your proposed superforum, Martini's New Peoples Forum and most likely, keeping a close eye on Ceedub's forums when they go back live this year.

Short answer, you can amalgamate these forums, it will not have the desired result you are seeking. I surely will not be joining any forum that has proven to be a haven for hackers.

Who are these five people?

Is it because of myself, Murdy, Erica or Biggie they won't join us?

First, I'm about as ready to divulge the confidences entrusted me as I am to start leaking peoples doxx all over the place. Which I haven't done in over two decades of forum life and I am scarcely about to start now. If they want to make themselves know to you, it is incumbent on them to do so, not for me to dob them in.

What I can tell you is this; SG has already fractured, more than once in fact, with a few jumping ship because they either had a problem with Flea, with Jersey Gurl, with certain other posters or a combination of the three. Some have made the trip back. Others have not. And a similar antipathy has been expressed towards certain members of Mudcock's forum and yes, it has included the owner, along with at least two of her one time trusted lieutenants, both of whom she has seen fit to throw under the bus in recent times. I've even marked a couple of disparaging remarks that indicate a few of your regulars are not entirely on board with the idea, they just havent been as virulent as some of the eruptions I've seen going on at SG particularly.

But then you already know this I strongly suspect. Moreover, I seem to recall you yourself were only earlier today trumpeting that this was a Semen Jaw free forum. Did you honestly think I had forgotten that? And what of Cronus? You know, the guy you had relieve you of your panel last April? You think he's going to suddenly be okay with flip-flopping on the topic of bans? Or is this where you earnestly inform me that autonomy between the forums will exist to the point that all will still effectively function as separate sites after the "amalgamation" with the only difference you are effectively handing control of Cronus's forum over to Jersey Gurl?

No Fash, I'm inclined to view this little discussion of yours as a little manufactured "drama", suggested in camera to be fleshed out here where certain people can be assured I'll stress test that thick skin of yours. Doesn't make a lick of difference from where I sit, as I have previously been given more than adequate reason to doubt your sincerity (remember those IP bans you swore never happened?) but just on the offchance I am doing you a gross disservice in viewing your integrity in this matter, I should probably hedge my bets on the matter and let you know now that the only "glue" the stands the remotest chance of preventing the burgeoning SG empire from splintering yet again is the presence of someone they can point the collected membership at and say "there's the problem; go get him".

I'm not prepared to come to that party. I'd rather stand with Ceedub and face another round of SQL injection attempts from the Jersey Gurl's place of business and look down my nose at any and all who would give them support.

We had IP bans, in fact I will be banning more as we are getting hundreds and even thousands of guests from China.


Quote from: "ThugLife"

Id handle the server. And launch my sql injection attacks against dead sites from there

Lol... sorry....couldn't resist  ac_toofunny

Quote from: "ThugLife"



Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "The Iron Chink"Murdock's accepts no responsibility for her forum's failure. It's everybody else's fault that nobody wants to post there. :crazy:


She is the worst thing to happen to her own forum.  She's vapid and boring to anyone that doesn't want to see her floppy tits and dragging ass.

I'll bet there will be more than a few clamouring to be let into Martini's new forum if these three merge!

Why do you say that?

Observation. You might get along well with both forum owners, it is a mistake to think that everyone does. I count at least five currently active posters off the top of my head who would prefer a Martini run forum to the triumvirate you are proposing and if those five split for that particular pasture, others will be dividing their time between your proposed superforum, Martini's New Peoples Forum and most likely, keeping a close eye on Ceedub's forums when they go back live this year.

Short answer, you can amalgamate these forums, it will not have the desired result you are seeking. I surely will not be joining any forum that has proven to be a haven for hackers.

Who are these five people?

Is it because of myself, Murdy, Erica or Biggie they won't join us?

First, I'm about as ready to divulge the confidences entrusted me as I am to start leaking peoples doxx all over the place. Which I haven't done in over two decades of forum life and I am scarcely about to start now. If they want to make themselves know to you, it is incumbent on them to do so, not for me to dob them in.

What I can tell you is this; SG has already fractured, more than once in fact, with a few jumping ship because they either had a problem with Flea, with Jersey Gurl, with certain other posters or a combination of the three. Some have made the trip back. Others have not. And a similar antipathy has been expressed towards certain members of Mudcock's forum and yes, it has included the owner, along with at least two of her one time trusted lieutenants, both of whom she has seen fit to throw under the bus in recent times. I've even marked a couple of disparaging remarks that indicate a few of your regulars are not entirely on board with the idea, they just havent been as virulent as some of the eruptions I've seen going on at SG particularly.

But then you already know this I strongly suspect. Moreover, I seem to recall you yourself were only earlier today trumpeting that this was a Semen Jaw free forum. Did you honestly think I had forgotten that? And what of Cronus? You know, the guy you had relieve you of your panel last April? You think he's going to suddenly be okay with flip-flopping on the topic of bans? Or is this where you earnestly inform me that autonomy between the forums will exist to the point that all will still effectively function as separate sites after the "amalgamation" with the only difference you are effectively handing control of Cronus's forum over to Jersey Gurl?

No Fash, I'm inclined to view this little discussion of yours as a little manufactured "drama", suggested in camera to be fleshed out here where certain people can be assured I'll stress test that thick skin of yours. Doesn't make a lick of difference from where I sit, as I have previously been given more than adequate reason to doubt your sincerity (remember those IP bans you swore never happened?) but just on the offchance I am doing you a gross disservice in viewing your integrity in this matter, I should probably hedge my bets on the matter and let you know now that the only "glue" the stands the remotest chance of preventing the burgeoning SG empire from splintering yet again is the presence of someone they can point the collected membership at and say "there's the problem; go get him".

I'm not prepared to come to that party. I'd rather stand with Ceedub and face another round of SQL injection attempts from the Jersey Gurl's place of business and look down my nose at any and all who would give them support.

 Are you legit accusing Joo of giving you an SQL injection?


 And see how these "power flamers" always rely on doxxing people?


Quote from: "Fashionista"
We had IP bans

I know you did, the ad  hoc warnings I was encountering periodically at the time stated as such. I also knew I had not broken any of your rules at the time to warrant those bans which you were claiming at the time did not exist. That is why I simply shrugged my shoulders and fired up a different VPN exit node. Takes me less than two seconds to do, less time than it takes to place the ban and way less brainpower than it does to manage the banlist after the fact should you decide it was getting too unwieldy and needed to clean it up without letting people back in who you had a genuine reason to ban in the first place.

It's no skin off my dick how a forum staff member chooses to run their board. I'm not shelling out the readies to host it, they are. If they wish to distinguish themselves as no better than a CBT, VF or BF admin, that is surely their affair.


Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
We had IP bans

I know you did, the ad  hoc warnings I was encountering periodically at the time stated as such. I also knew I had not broken any of your rules at the time to warrant those bans which you were claiming at the time did not exist. That is why I simply shrugged my shoulders and fired up a different VPN exit node. Takes me less than two seconds to do, less time than it takes to place the ban and way less brainpower than it does to manage the banlist after the fact should you decide it was getting too unwieldy and needed to clean it up without letting people back in who you had a genuine reason to ban in the first place.

It's no skin off my dick how a forum staff member chooses to run their board. I'm not shelling out the readies to host it, they are. If they wish to distinguish themselves as no better than a CBT, VF or BF admin, that is surely their affair.

I'd like to ban China and Russia IP's entirely.

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