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Re: Forum gossip thread by Cyrus


HOW Safe is Ivermectin?

Started by caskur, August 29, 2023, 05:59:30 AM

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Quote from: Frood on September 01, 2023, 03:33:31 AMNo, yuo....Hyacinth Bucket...

However, the TGA does not endorse off-label prescribing of ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.

A large number of clinical studies have demonstrated ivermectin does not improve outcomes in patients with COVID-19. The National Clinical Evidence Taskforce (NCET) and many similar bodies around the world, including the World Health Organization, strongly advises against the use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: Frood on September 01, 2023, 03:42:47 AMKind of like how health authorities like Antinydick Fauci said early on that masks were unnecessary and in fact ineffective...

Perhaps the only time he ever told the truth, but it because there was a run on P2/N95 as well as surgical masks by the general public and the health system wanted to hoard them for themselves.

Then he flip flopped when supply could be guaranteed, despite them being as he previously described...worthless against coronaviruses.

 :crampe:  :crampe:  :crampe:

He then started pushing the most ridiculous and unscientific theories including multiple masks.


I don't listen to Americans period!~

They have hay seeds for brains!~
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur on September 01, 2023, 03:51:56 AMI don't listen to Americans period!~

They have hay seeds for brains!~

I don't listen to absolutely fucking anything the TGA or American so called medical authorities say. The Americans are just evil. The TGA are just farm league and stupid... like the Australian Broadcast Corporation and anybody who ingests that unadulterated bullshit.

Sorry about your penis...  :dontknow:


Quote from: Frood on September 01, 2023, 04:07:16 AMI don't listen to absolutely fucking anything the TGA or American so called medical authorities say. The Americans are just evil. The TGA are just farm league and stupid... like the Australian Broadcast Corporation and anybody who ingests that unadulterated bullshit.

Sorry about your penis...  :dontknow:

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


No... but really sorry about your donger and headspace... :popcorn:


Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur on August 31, 2023, 05:23:56 PMBecause clown the nation is fully vaccinated AND ANTIVIRILS ARE BEING GIVEN TO THE MOST VULNERABLE...

So of course people are dying at a very low percentage... the vaccine and antivirals are working.

They were dying at even lower rates during 2020, dumbass. That's the whole point. The vaccines were given emergency use authorization, suddenly people are dying in greater numbers than ever.

You know who's not dying? People Like Frood, who is not on any antivirals, didn't get the clot shot and somehow manages to stay fit and healthy while various of his associates who were jabbed keep coming down with the Koof.

I wonder what your definition of "fully" is. Clearly you are working from a different dictionary than the rest of us, if indeed you even know what a dictionary is.

Quote from: caskur on August 31, 2023, 06:10:29 PMNothing is worse than an ill informed opinion...
...she said, as she debated using her Murdoch owned tabloid as shit tickets replacement when the stores ran out...

Quote from: caskur on August 31, 2023, 06:33:38 PMYou people were running around telling others to use Ivermectin and you right wing nutters were, WRONG. You were WRONG promoting an ineffective medicine.
Tell that to Tim Pool and Joe Rogan. They and their audiences will laugh at you... justifiably, given the success they had using Ivermectin.

What was that about ill-informed opinions again Sackur?

Quote from: deadskinmask on August 31, 2023, 06:54:10 PMi have NEVER told anybody to do anything.... the closest i've came to offering medical advice is asking ppl to request to see the paperwork before they submitted to a vaccine.... i don't care what anybody does.... wear a mask. take the vaccine. stand on your head with a banana in your ear.... i don't care.... where i draw the line is when ppl start telling ME what i should do....
Ditto and well said. That relative of mine that I mentioned earlier, I gave them a few resources I had been following, discussed it with them, told them why I wasn't about to submit to what I regarded as a medical experiment on a mass scale.

I most certainly did not tell them to take Ivermectin, there wouldn't have been a lot of point, since it is supposed to be administered once there is a pathogen for it to fight. I likewise did not tell them not to take the Fauci Sauce.

The only thing I did instruct them, was to make their own choice and do what they thought was right.

So much for Sackur's claims to the contrary; it's not as though it's the first time she's been caught lying her arse off.

Quote from: Herman on August 31, 2023, 06:45:57 PMThe mask protection thing has been proven false. Next.
I vape as you may know. Early on in the mask mandate debacle, it was a favourite pastime of mine to wander past groups of maskurbators, vaping through my mask and exhaling the spent vapour through it.

Any one of those vapour particles could have viral particles hitching a ride on it. And given most people weren't in the habit of swapping their used masks for fresh ones every quarter of an hour, those masks were in all probability breeding grounds for all manner of germs.

Of course the ill-informed opinion they might have been dangerous was never given serious countenance by the bootlickers... Sackur springs to mind here.

Quote from: caskur on August 31, 2023, 07:42:17 PMThis thread is about Ivermectin which gets promoted by the rubbish sites Adolf listens to....and perpetuates the use of.
Then why did you give it a title asking how safe it was? Seems to me even you are off topic here, quit your hectoring and see how much further off topic your can hijack  it, numbnuts.

Quote from: caskur on August 31, 2023, 09:12:37 PMSo what? Are your unvaccinated citizens clogging up the emergency departments in your hospitals again?

Go and hand out Ivermectin  to them and tell them covid is a big pharma and government conspiracy and they aren't really feeling excruciating agony.... it all a figment of their imaginations ....
Your government would rather pump them full of Remdezivir and blow out their lungs on a ventilator, if they even let them into the hospitals to begin with.

I've a better solution. Since your government and mine seem okay with denying us healthcare as per the hippocratic oath and since most of us purebloods wouldn't trust the average clinic as far as we could throw it, perhaps it stands to reason Purebloods should no longer have to PAY for the healthcare of bootlickers like you either. I mean if we aren't getting a service for our money, you shouldn't expect the right to mooch off our tax dollars, you moocher.

Go on, run that idea up the flagpole and salute it. I bet you don't, being a simp for your labour state premier and all.

Quote from: Oerdin on August 31, 2023, 09:28:06 PMAhh, be nice Caskur.
Nah, let her be a bitch about it. She started this thread in the flame section for a reason, which had nothing to do with having an honest and open debate.

I don't mind, she's always had her moments of behaving like a total pig, especially when I'm around. 

Quote from: caskur on August 31, 2023, 10:34:46 PMIvermectin isn't safe and isn't effective according to KU Medical Centre studies. All our countries, USA Australia and the UK were under right wing governments at the time of lockdown so I am quite confused about your left wing reference on this. The only people I see turning this medical emergency is the right whingers on the boards who believe they know better than scientists which I find amazing.
The left wing epithet is pertinent; the whole schemozzle was orchestrated globally by globalists, partnered with big business (in this case the pharmaceutical companies). You did not pay directly for your shots, they were paid for out of the taxes levied by the government and with only the barest lip-service offered to the whole personal choice angle.

So authoritarian socialism, if not outright fascism. Left wing idiocracy at its most blatant. One time socialist turned fascist Benito Mussolini would have been proud.

Your country is as socialist as they come. So is Canada. Bunch of left wing simps who call their conservatives "right wing" when in actual fact they are even more progtarded than the classic liberals of old.

Quote from: Frood on September 01, 2023, 03:42:47 AMKind of like how health authorities like Antinydick Fauci said early on that masks were unnecessary and in fact ineffective...

Perhaps the only time he ever told the truth, but it because there was a run on P2/N95 as well as surgical masks by the general public and the health system wanted to hoard them for themselves.

Then he flip flopped when supply could be guaranteed, despite them being as he previously described...worthless against coronaviruses.

 :crampe:  :crampe:  :crampe:

He then started pushing the most ridiculous and unscientific theories including multiple masks.


The same wanker who once declared you could catch AIDS from cereal boxes. Trump should have fired his ass on day one of his presidency.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


I am going to laugh my arse off when your right whingers marches young healthy men off to war under conscription...young healthy men to turn into minced meat or canon fodder... let's see what your face when you discover your right whingers are no different to the lefturds.

You really are a simpleton and all that dope you smoked fucked your mental midget brain.

The paranoia around here makes me gag. I hate cowards.

A vaccinated 101 year old at my sisters work survived not only the covid vaccinations but covid as well so her situation completely negates any of your bullshit stories.

It was not an experimental vaccine if you grew a pair of knackers, girlie man, and actually watched Leigh Sales interviewing the actual developer of the covid vaccine Prof. Sarah Gilbert then you would cease your ignorant rhetoric. She already had a vaccine approve for a virus that was a covid virus which contained already safe tested ingredients YEARS earlier.

It has been publicly advertized through health authoraties that Ivermectim is not a treatment for covid-19 or any of its variants... so stick that in your vap pipe and smoke it.


no one is dying quicker my olders are still kicking .... expect ones just before lockdown and recently my 91.2 YR OLD MIL.

From Wiki

"Dame Sarah Catherine Gilbert DBE FRS (born April 1962) is an English vaccinologist who is a Professor of Vaccinology at the University of Oxford and co-founder of Vaccitech.[2][3][4][5][6] She specialises in the development of vaccines against influenza and emerging viral pathogens.[7] She led the development and testing of the universal flu vaccine, which underwent clinical trials in 2011.

In January 2020, she read a report on ProMED-mail about four people in China suffering from a strange kind of pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan.[8] Within two weeks, a vaccine had been designed at Oxford against the new pathogen, which later became known as COVID-19.[9] On 30 December 2020, the Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine she co-developed with the Oxford Vaccine Group was approved for use in the UK.[10] As of January 2022, more than 2.5 billion doses of the vaccine have been released to more than 170 countries worldwide."
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


The alarm around the treatment for this virus was over the top.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


i'd be interested to know how many cases of mask-induced bacterial pneumonia were treated as "covid"....
Agree Agree x 1 View List


Quote from: caskur on September 01, 2023, 12:47:40 AMYou can be duped all you like and tell me the world is flat like Grandpa DSM says so but it just shows me what major tards you all are.

i have a thred.... its an open invitation for ANYONE that wants to come "school" me on cosmology or topography.... unfortunately you need to bring a little more than "i was taught in class"....,15153.585.html


Dum Sum knows full well the coronavirus aka SARS 2 has got zilch to do with politics but still tries to weave it into this topic in his posts. The right whingers were WRONG. The vaccines worked... WA convid plan was the best on Earth and largely at the end 95% got vaccinated.

During the lockdown WA people had no unemployment, wore no masks and kids only lost 1 week of school. During the border lockdown we had no deaths.

Our state made 190 billion or near every year of lockdown and we spent 6 billion in our own state on tourism instead of going overseas spending it in Bali.

Funny As Fuck! Funny As Fuck! x 1 View List
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: deadskinmask on September 01, 2023, 07:36:31 AMi'd be interested to know how many cases of mask-induced bacterial pneumonia were treated as "covid"....

Cases of pneumonia in WA during lock borders was ZERO,.... same with all the other states but you would have to double check that.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur on September 01, 2023, 08:08:43 AMCases of pneumonia in WA during lock borders was ZERO,.... same with all the other states but you would have to double check that.

fascinating.... cases of the flu were at almost zero as well.... that only makes me MORE suspicious.... not less....  :crampe:


Quote from: RAVEN on September 01, 2023, 07:57:47 AMI wore a mask through the COVID fiasco.. even at work.  Went to the dentist to get a cleaning and got 2 cavities during that time..  My Dentist told me that I was lucky because she had patients who never had cavities with their teeth rotting out due to wearing a mask :( She labeled it "mask mouth"

read here

I will NEVER wear another mask.. They can kiss my ass lol

I have a sizeable cavity on my right sided back molar which I've just discovered in the last week.

It's a first. At least on my adult teeth... the last cavity I had was on a baby tooth and then it fell out, to be replaced. That was approximately around 40 years ago.

A virtual lifetime of no cavities and after missing a few teeth cleanings and check-ups, I can fit the tip of my tongue into a huge fucking hole.

This is what lockdowns and jab/mask mandates cause... un-health....

I'm getting the fucker pulled. Boss had the same thing recently and they wanted to charge him 5k Australian to "save" it... while offering a disclaimer which said if they didn't save it, they would have to charge 3.5k further to correct it... but with no guaranteed result either or...

It's a fucking back molar... it may even be the last of my wisdom teeth (got three removed early on in my life)...

Doesn't matter.

Fuck Australian dentists. If I need major work, I'll go to Thailand and get complete crowns while partying.


The CDC let it slip that the vaccinated are more at risk of catching COVID than the unvaccinated. Already the media is erasing everything as the CDC tries to walk back their Freudian slip. I saved it though.

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