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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

Renee....let's do it in here.

Started by Bricktop, May 21, 2018, 12:04:21 AM

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Quote from: "cc"We are blessed souls

I  think we are and that's not me kidding.

Angry White Male

Quote from: "Renee"Yes I apologized it was wrong of me to wish you dead and I freely admit to staying such.

Everyone else wishes him dead, so don't feel bad.  It doesn't seem to matter where he goes, people seem to wish him dead!


Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Bricktop"OK. Since we are discussing "lies", let's go back in history to the matter of the "death threat", in which YOU claim I acted hysterically and lost my shit.

This is only ONE of your many deceptions and attempts to re-write events to make you look good.

The TRUTH is you posted that you wished I was dead, with an affirmation that you were sincere. My response was to point out the sad mentality of one who would wish someone dead on the basis of forum banter...and that such abhorrent statements were inappropriate. That was all.

 :001_rolleyes: Liars going to lie. Everyone witnessed your melt just stop....You're making a fool out of yourself. Everyone who was there saw you run off and sulk when the management rebuffed your demands to have me banned.

Nice try.

Quote from: "Bricktop", we roll forward a few months, and a PM exchange which I URGE AND INSIST you post, and it was YOU who stated that your conduct in making the aforementioned statement was disgraceful, and that IT HAD BEEN SITTING ON YOUR CONSCIENCE for some time. YOU apologised for making said comment.

POST THE PM'S. DO IT. Let's see who lies, and who tells the truth. Your big chance to publicly out me as a liar

Yes I apologized it was wrong of me to wish you dead and I freely admit to staying such. But that has nothing to do with your current state of frenzy and we both know it.

And the fact that I apologized speaks directly to the depth of my character. Just as your constant whining about this so called "death threat" speaks to yours or rather lack thereof.

Now again, enough with your bullshit. Let's get to the crux of the matter and lay these accusations on the table so we can discuss them....How exactly did I back stab you? Why are you so unwilling to discuss it? You seem to not have a problem mouthing off on the open forum but when challenged all you do dodge, duck and obfuscate. I neither have the time or the patience for your childish butt hurt games. Either put up or shut up.

If you want you can PM me and we can discuss this like adults if you would feel more comfortable. The ball is in your court, skippy.

Oh and BTW, acting as the forum spelling nazi does not further your cause. It just reinforces the perception that you are trying to avoid the issue.

It appears that you have a somewhat confused appreciation of the terms "private" and "public".

IF I had any inclination to discuss a PRIVATE matter with you, I would do so PRIVATELY. I fail to see why you think that discussing it in front of other people is appropriate. Enough to demonstrate my disgust at your conduct and behaviour in what was a personal and private matter between two people. This is a web forum, not a counselling group.

If it bothers you that much, YOU PM me. I have neither desire or inclination to communicate with you, particularly as there is no point or purpose. I remind you that twice now you have claimed you already know why I regard you as vermin...with apologies to rats for categorising them in the same order as you. Ergo, I see no value in dialogue. But, you message, I'll reply. I'm magnanimous that way.

And it was YOU that cited the "death threat" issue, Whorepig. Not I. And if you once again wished death on me, or anyone else, I would again point out to Fash that such language and intimidation has no place here, and point out to the world at large what a vile and nasty wretch you really are.  As I would do if you disclosed PI about a private and personal matter. That would reflect a degree of maturity and decency I have not seen outside of a school yard.


Your "apology" was offered months after the event, by the way, and was unsolicited, and my response was it was not necessary because I understood you were dealing with other PRIVATE matters that were quite stressful.

That demonstrates MY depth of character.

Now, if you wish to cease being the brunt of my exposure of the cowardly, backstabbing, weasley louse that you are, simply cease responding, and put me on ignore. Again. We both know you won't hang around for long anyway and we both know that deep down you don't have the fortitude for the fight. Just walk away.

Oh, and the spell lame was a sarcastic response to your childish slur on my education level. Any negative blowback is on you, chump.


Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"That lingering, pungent aroma of spicy meaty farts can only mean one thing......... the beach whale is back!

Lock up your fridges, pantries and cupboards, because no consumable calories are safe any longer.  :ohmy:

Oh you are back....I guess you got an increase in the dole and had enough to pay the internet bill.

 So now you will be gracing this place with your presence until the next billing cycle? How wonderful.

Joking aside, how goes the interracial amateur porn? Have you managed to wrap those tree trunks of yours round a young Somalian buck?  ac_lmfao

Angry White Male

Quote from: "SCOUSE"Joking aside, how goes the interracial amateur porn? Have you managed to wrap those tree trunks of yours round a young Somalian buck?  ac_lmfao

According to Bricktop, her husband recently threw her out into the streets, so I hope that she doesn't have to resort to this again to earn a quick buck.  

Getting defiled by multiple Negroes in all three holes for a couple hundred bucks isn't exactly what I'd consider a "high point" in ones life...


Er...the word "threw" being used as a metaphor.

Unless he had a VERY large trebuchet.

Angry White Male


I wonder what happened to that  tape..... hopefully it's locked up in a safety deposit box and buried 20 feet underground.  ac_toofunny


Angry White Male

I asked her years ago what her porn name was and/or the name of the actual movie, and she will not disclose either, so it will not be possible to ever knowingly view it!

I'm not so sure one would want to watch it though...


Maybe we could offer some suggestions for her. We're a caring, sharing bunch after all.

Mandy Meatflaps?

Gertie Gunt?

Linda Lovehandles?

Helen Melons?


Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Bricktop"OK. Since we are discussing "lies", let's go back in history to the matter of the "death threat", in which YOU claim I acted hysterically and lost my shit.

This is only ONE of your many deceptions and attempts to re-write events to make you look good.

The TRUTH is you posted that you wished I was dead, with an affirmation that you were sincere. My response was to point out the sad mentality of one who would wish someone dead on the basis of forum banter...and that such abhorrent statements were inappropriate. That was all.

 :001_rolleyes: Liars going to lie. Everyone witnessed your melt just stop....You're making a fool out of yourself. Everyone who was there saw you run off and sulk when the management rebuffed your demands to have me banned.

Nice try.

Quote from: "Bricktop", we roll forward a few months, and a PM exchange which I URGE AND INSIST you post, and it was YOU who stated that your conduct in making the aforementioned statement was disgraceful, and that IT HAD BEEN SITTING ON YOUR CONSCIENCE for some time. YOU apologised for making said comment.

POST THE PM'S. DO IT. Let's see who lies, and who tells the truth. Your big chance to publicly out me as a liar

Yes I apologized it was wrong of me to wish you dead and I freely admit to staying such. But that has nothing to do with your current state of frenzy and we both know it.

And the fact that I apologized speaks directly to the depth of my character. Just as your constant whining about this so called "death threat" speaks to yours or rather lack thereof.

Now again, enough with your bullshit. Let's get to the crux of the matter and lay these accusations on the table so we can discuss them....How exactly did I back stab you? Why are you so unwilling to discuss it? You seem to not have a problem mouthing off on the open forum but when challenged all you do dodge, duck and obfuscate. I neither have the time or the patience for your childish butt hurt games. Either put up or shut up.

If you want you can PM me and we can discuss this like adults if you would feel more comfortable. The ball is in your court, skippy.

Oh and BTW, acting as the forum spelling nazi does not further your cause. It just reinforces the perception that you are trying to avoid the issue.

It appears that you have a somewhat confused appreciation of the terms "private" and "public".

IF I had any inclination to discuss a PRIVATE matter with you, I would do so PRIVATELY. I fail to see why you think that discussing it in front of other people is appropriate. Enough to demonstrate my disgust at your conduct and behaviour in what was a personal and private matter between two people. This is a web forum, not a counselling group.

If it bothers you that much, YOU PM me. I have neither desire or inclination to communicate with you, particularly as there is no point or purpose. I remind you that twice now you have claimed you already know why I regard you as vermin...with apologies to rats for categorising them in the same order as you. Ergo, I see no value in dialogue. But, you message, I'll reply. I'm magnanimous that way.

And it was YOU that cited the "death threat" issue, Whorepig. Not I. And if you once again wished death on me, or anyone else, I would again point out to Fash that such language and intimidation has no place here, and point out to the world at large what a vile and nasty wretch you really are.  As I would do if you disclosed PI about a private and personal matter. That would reflect a degree of maturity and decency I have not seen outside of a school yard.


Your "apology" was offered months after the event, by the way, and was unsolicited, and my response was it was not necessary because I understood you were dealing with other PRIVATE matters that were quite stressful.

That demonstrates MY depth of character.

Now, if you wish to cease being the brunt of my exposure of the cowardly, backstabbing, weasley louse that you are, simply cease responding, and put me on ignore. Again. We both know you won't hang around for long anyway and we both know that deep down you don't have the fortitude for the fight. Just walk away.

Oh, and the spell lame was a sarcastic response to your childish slur on my education level. Any negative blowback is on you, chump.

Refusal to validate your butt hurt jealousy noted.

You could have just said "no I won't discuss my childish, angst" and been done with it. It would have saved you time, effort and reaffirmed the fact that you are a fool, a liar and a snake and without all that diversionary bullshit you just spewed.

Furthermore your spelling lame, sarcastic or whatever, made you look really bad, especially since it is common knowledge that the individual you directed it at (me) has a few learning disabilities. One being ADHD the other a being a mild form of dyslexia. But despite that, I still finished primary school and went on to achieve a post secondary Bachelor's degree. So don't  think you can just sit there on your nearly dead, wrinkled, ass and disparage my intellectual abilities or my character with you self absorbed huffing and puffing. Nice going, you shitty, little, elderly turd.

Is your face red now? Doubtful, because it is well known that you have no shame. But if it is,  it must be a refreshing change from it's usual grey, corpse-like, pallor.

You are nothing more than a spoiled little snot with a grossly inflated sense of self, who has a vicious proclivity for talking out of turn. In that respect you and that Liverpool, mongoloid, idiot, SCOUSE, (a person so dumb that he needs his address stenciled onto his underwear in case he gets lost), share more than just the common bond of nationality. You two little sub-human fecal stains are probably related genetically, and I mean in more ways than just Taxonomic ranking.... :laugh3:
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "Renee"

...Nice going you shitty little elderly turd.

Oh, but Renee... he takes great comfort in being a handful of years younger than I am (despite his smellier and browner mien.)  He'll be crushed to be described as "elderly."

NOTE TO BrickBrain:  This, unlike the previous example you cited yesterday, *IS* a run-in.  See the difference?   :icon_wink:


Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "Renee"

...Nice going you shitty little elderly turd.

Oh, but Renee... he takes great comfort in being a handful of years younger than I am (despite his smellier and browner mien.)  He'll be crushed to be described as "elderly."

NOTE TO BrickBrain:  This, unlike the previous example you cited yesterday, *IS* a run-in.  See the difference?   :icon_wink:

He was "crushed" LONG before I labeled him as "elderly". But unfortunately he is a sneary, ego maniacal, little shit who doesn't have the slightest clue when it's time to STFU.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"That lingering, pungent aroma of spicy meaty farts can only mean one thing......... the beach whale is back!

Lock up your fridges, pantries and cupboards, because no consumable calories are safe any longer.  :ohmy:

Oh you are back....I guess you got an increase in the dole and had enough to pay the internet bill.

 So now you will be gracing this place with your presence until the next billing cycle? How wonderful.

Joking aside, how goes the interracial amateur porn? Have you managed to wrap those tree trunks of yours round a young Somalian buck?  ac_lmfao

You must have me confused with your sister.

Oh and BTW, your relatives from across the pond send their regards.

\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.

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