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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Murdork, my lovely...

Started by Anonymous, September 24, 2019, 12:24:18 PM

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Im not overly concerned with the negative opinions people have about how my children came to be. I would much rather have my kids over even the creamiest of the cream of crop men any day.

 I think sometimes other women and men really get worked up or resentful that i can take or leave a romantic relationship because they dont mean fuck all to me.

 IC, its a very good trade off.  Very, very good trade off. My children are way more of a blessing and joy than any man on the planet.

 I couldnt be less interested in a serious romantic relationship, and that is completely moot point. Married people have this mentality that they have something everyone should want. I dont. If that makes me a "mess" thats cool. Ill stay messy AF.  Im not a fan of this line of thinking that my children are a curse upon my ability to "get a man"   Sorry IC, i dont buy it. Children are not a shameful burden. Men are.

 This may be a cultural difference, who knows. Your country has a history of brutality against women and elevates men over women, so maybe this is why you root significance in ones percieved ability to get a man or how desirable women should be to get a decent one.  We have options in my country though.

 He is free to get his switch from the police station.

Pants Yamato

Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"Sadly I confess to watching regular doses of Judge Judy and Pigeon keeping his Switch after he asking for it back wouldn't bode well in her court for pigeon.

He should opt for the option of picking it up at a police station.

 I never tried to keep his switch.  This is what happened.

 He insisted on pawning it as he had no money and i was out of usable funds until the next day. I did not want him to pawn it. He convinced me to let him. He did say that he would handle getting it.

 After he went home, he saw some posts of mine on SG and flipped out. Had a huge tantrum. "Dumped" me on the board.  Told me not to bother worrying about the Switch because he bought a new one. Threw a fit he didnt "trust" me and wouldnt open a package from me anyway.

 He became irrational. So i figured screw it and left it alone.

 Then he came to me in PM apologizing. We started chatting again.(This time with me being very clear it was to he a friendship only and anything beyond must move very, very slowly as i had a lot going on and i have to consider my children and im no where near ready to even consider bringing a new relationship into their life.) He again was saying not to worry about the switch.

 Then while i was working, on day 2 of 3 consecutive shifts, he started telling me in message i needed to get and ship the switch immediately. That his kids were freaking out and his ex wife and brother were calling me a scum bag. He went on like this until i lost my temper as he wasnt understanding that i cannot just leave work and get it because he snapped his fingers.  All of this with him is about control. Not the switch.

 He realized this approach wasnt working. Changed his attitide and we agreed i would get it and ship it on the 16th as i got paid on the 15th. He agreed to this.

 Then, on the 14th(saturday night), he started blowing up my phone. I was sick and so was my 3 year old. He called until he woke me up and almost woke up my lil one. It took me forever to get her to sleep as she was miserable. So when i answered and there was just yelling and swearing, and he wasnt saying why, i hung up. He then started send irrational abusive messages. Accusing me of sharing pictures he showed me of some random girl to Freud.

 Then started telling me if i do not mail the switch right then he would call the police(it was midnight on saturday). Then demanded it the next day, on Sunday. So i told him to stop messaging me and i blocked him.

 He had been trying to impress me with money and had been sending random small amounts that total to 108 dollars. I used this to get the switch out. It costs 168 dollars. So i paid the 60 out of my own money.

 He then started his baiting and bullshit on the internet. I ignored this mostly taking the high road. This guy cannot take a crap without making a podcast or post about what color it is.  Eventually people got sick of him taking shots, me ignoring it, so i was given the green light to stomp back. And i did.

 He drug everything about this damn switch to the boards acting like he did this all for me and im this huge unreasonable scum bag blah blah.

 So after dealing with this complete liar who lies about literally everything, i screwed with him a bit about shipping the switch when i didnt. Giving him a little taste of his own bullshit.

 Since i will not NOT spend another penny for this losers benefit, he was given the choice to send a prepaid fedex label, packing materials and specifications along with insurance in case there was damage done in the shipping process or it got lost in transit. I will not be liable for this.  His other option was coming here and getting it from the police station.

 The shipping option wasnt good enough for him as he claimed he had sent me "money for shipping". The money he sent he was saying he wanted to just give as gift. This is entirely in messaging.  Again it was a total of 108, which didnt even cover the cost of pulling it out of pawn.

 Since instead of being clear on how he wants to get his switch, which is apparently so important that his family is devastated(a complete line of BS, btw), he chose to start more abusive behavoir as well as flinging threats.

 So after offering the shipping option only to be met with refusal, demands and threats, his only option now is getting it from the station because im not lifting a finger for this unreasonable lying asshole after trying for several weeks to help him get it back while he played ridiculous games complicating it.

 He is free to uber his broke ass to the county court here and pay filing fees to take me to small claims court, but if he cannot even provide a fed ex label and insurance or manage to get to the station, i doubt he will be able to do that.  If he does, he can explain to a judge why he refused every reasonable avenue to get his switch for several weeks because he wanted ME to pay for all of it.

 What wouldnt bode well is that he was given very reasonable options to get his switch and instead of being compliant and reasonable, he stomped his feet, threw tantrums, made threats and demanded i do it HIS way.  No one is keeping the switch from him BUT him.

 This little fling was a short nightmare and this guy is complete pathological liar who becomes irrational and abusive if something doesnt go his way. The way he responded to a back ground check pretty much told me.

 I have far too much going on in my life to even consider a relationship especailly one with someone who perpetually lies, manipulates and brings loads of drama.

 So this is the saga of the switch.

 IF the switch indeed belongs to his child, and his family is so devastated(none of this is true, fyi), i said openly his ex is free to contact me via FB and i will pay the expenses to ship it to HER. Because i understand it sucks to have a psycho lying ex and i do not want a child to suffer because of his dads extremely poor, selfish bullyish behavoir.

 However im not even spending a single cent i could spend on my own children to give this fucktard his way.  This is the direct result of his own choices.

 He came off very normal, funny and cool at first. Someone who maybe had potentail for more going very slowly down the road. However once the mask started slipping, it started pretty quick and devolved to the embarrassing trainwreck you see on the boards. He really pushed and pushed to get far too serious far too soon....which is always a red flag.  Jealous tantrums over GB spending weekends at my place to help with OUR children was pretty over the top as well. This was all basically over before it even began.

 This is really the most ive ever really said about it online. I had asked him repeatedly to honor my privacy and keep whatever relationship he had with me off the internet. Clearly he is not capable of considering anyone but himself.

 Thats a wrap.

 Since this guy has no clue how the adult world works, he devoted himself to a ridiculous and desperate smear campaign attempting to control me via public opinion. This is straight out of the NPD playbook. I remain unmoved.

 I have attempted to bring as much humor and entertainment value to this public narcissistic rage as possible, hence the picture of the switch above the toilet and the cat/sheets flaming. The chops are hilarious. I hope people can at least have some laughs about it, may as well.

What did you expect? The cream of the crop guys wouldn't touch a chick with 4 kids to 4 different men with a 10 metre disinfectant  barge pole. And this is the second time you threw urself at a guy off these silly forums.

Sorry Dove, you are a mess.

This thread is worse than the Hindenburg going down, I think my eyes caught an std just my reading it and I definitely need a shower. People need to understand the only posters left from the old flaming forum days are the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of read quality but more importantly in terms of humanity. To watch these clowns bitch moan and cry over meeting each other realizing this in the flesh is their personal just desserts for being complete morons.


If you were so concerned about your kids, you wouldn't be throwing urself at guys on anonymous message boards. I realize you can't be too choosy, but that is just pathetic. I know white women lack self control, but even by white standards, you look like a desperate nymph.


Quote from: "Shen Li"If you were so concerned about your kids, you wouldn't be throwing urself at guys on anonymous message boards. I realize you can't be too choosy, but that is just pathetic. I know white women lack self control, but even by white standards, you look like a desperate nymph.


 I didnt throw myself at anyone.  As i stated, i was very clear that i did NOT want any sort of serious relationship.

 Regardless of how this nut carried on online, we were mostly NOT a couple, as i stated to him that i am not anywhere wanting a relationship.

 So you are barking up the wrong tree, here. Take it to the desperate loser who doesnt consider children at all and cannot cope with rejection or reality.

 Glad i could help. Im too feminists for this angle though, youll get more action outta Poofer. Im just reading from you that you find a womans worth in her man and motherhood is garbage, a line of thinking i find positively revolting and sexist.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"Sadly I confess to watching regular doses of Judge Judy and Pigeon keeping his Switch after he asking for it back wouldn't bode well in her court for pigeon.

He should opt for the option of picking it up at a police station.

 I never tried to keep his switch.  This is what happened.

 He insisted on pawning it as he had no money and i was out of usable funds until the next day. I did not want him to pawn it. He convinced me to let him. He did say that he would handle getting it.

 After he went home, he saw some posts of mine on SG and flipped out. Had a huge tantrum. "Dumped" me on the board.  Told me not to bother worrying about the Switch because he bought a new one. Threw a fit he didnt "trust" me and wouldnt open a package from me anyway.

 He became irrational. So i figured screw it and left it alone.

 Then he came to me in PM apologizing. We started chatting again.(This time with me being very clear it was to he a friendship only and anything beyond must move very, very slowly as i had a lot going on and i have to consider my children and im no where near ready to even consider bringing a new relationship into their life.) He again was saying not to worry about the switch.

 Then while i was working, on day 2 of 3 consecutive shifts, he started telling me in message i needed to get and ship the switch immediately. That his kids were freaking out and his ex wife and brother were calling me a scum bag. He went on like this until i lost my temper as he wasnt understanding that i cannot just leave work and get it because he snapped his fingers.  All of this with him is about control. Not the switch.

 He realized this approach wasnt working. Changed his attitide and we agreed i would get it and ship it on the 16th as i got paid on the 15th. He agreed to this.

 Then, on the 14th(saturday night), he started blowing up my phone. I was sick and so was my 3 year old. He called until he woke me up and almost woke up my lil one. It took me forever to get her to sleep as she was miserable. So when i answered and there was just yelling and swearing, and he wasnt saying why, i hung up. He then started send irrational abusive messages. Accusing me of sharing pictures he showed me of some random girl to Freud.

 Then started telling me if i do not mail the switch right then he would call the police(it was midnight on saturday). Then demanded it the next day, on Sunday. So i told him to stop messaging me and i blocked him.

 He had been trying to impress me with money and had been sending random small amounts that total to 108 dollars. I used this to get the switch out. It costs 168 dollars. So i paid the 60 out of my own money.

 He then started his baiting and bullshit on the internet. I ignored this mostly taking the high road. This guy cannot take a crap without making a podcast or post about what color it is.  Eventually people got sick of him taking shots, me ignoring it, so i was given the green light to stomp back. And i did.

 He drug everything about this damn switch to the boards acting like he did this all for me and im this huge unreasonable scum bag blah blah.

 So after dealing with this complete liar who lies about literally everything, i screwed with him a bit about shipping the switch when i didnt. Giving him a little taste of his own bullshit.

 Since i will not NOT spend another penny for this losers benefit, he was given the choice to send a prepaid fedex label, packing materials and specifications along with insurance in case there was damage done in the shipping process or it got lost in transit. I will not be liable for this.  His other option was coming here and getting it from the police station.

 The shipping option wasnt good enough for him as he claimed he had sent me "money for shipping". The money he sent he was saying he wanted to just give as gift. This is entirely in messaging.  Again it was a total of 108, which didnt even cover the cost of pulling it out of pawn.

 Since instead of being clear on how he wants to get his switch, which is apparently so important that his family is devastated(a complete line of BS, btw), he chose to start more abusive behavoir as well as flinging threats.

 So after offering the shipping option only to be met with refusal, demands and threats, his only option now is getting it from the station because im not lifting a finger for this unreasonable lying asshole after trying for several weeks to help him get it back while he played ridiculous games complicating it.

 He is free to uber his broke ass to the county court here and pay filing fees to take me to small claims court, but if he cannot even provide a fed ex label and insurance or manage to get to the station, i doubt he will be able to do that.  If he does, he can explain to a judge why he refused every reasonable avenue to get his switch for several weeks because he wanted ME to pay for all of it.

 What wouldnt bode well is that he was given very reasonable options to get his switch and instead of being compliant and reasonable, he stomped his feet, threw tantrums, made threats and demanded i do it HIS way.  No one is keeping the switch from him BUT him.

 This little fling was a short nightmare and this guy is complete pathological liar who becomes irrational and abusive if something doesnt go his way. The way he responded to a back ground check pretty much told me.

 I have far too much going on in my life to even consider a relationship especailly one with someone who perpetually lies, manipulates and brings loads of drama.

 So this is the saga of the switch.

 IF the switch indeed belongs to his child, and his family is so devastated(none of this is true, fyi), i said openly his ex is free to contact me via FB and i will pay the expenses to ship it to HER. Because i understand it sucks to have a psycho lying ex and i do not want a child to suffer because of his dads extremely poor, selfish bullyish behavoir.

 However im not even spending a single cent i could spend on my own children to give this fucktard his way.  This is the direct result of his own choices.

 He came off very normal, funny and cool at first. Someone who maybe had potentail for more going very slowly down the road. However once the mask started slipping, it started pretty quick and devolved to the embarrassing trainwreck you see on the boards. He really pushed and pushed to get far too serious far too soon....which is always a red flag.  Jealous tantrums over GB spending weekends at my place to help with OUR children was pretty over the top as well. This was all basically over before it even began.

 This is really the most ive ever really said about it online. I had asked him repeatedly to honor my privacy and keep whatever relationship he had with me off the internet. Clearly he is not capable of considering anyone but himself.

 Thats a wrap.

 Since this guy has no clue how the adult world works, he devoted himself to a ridiculous and desperate smear campaign attempting to control me via public opinion. This is straight out of the NPD playbook. I remain unmoved.

 I have attempted to bring as much humor and entertainment value to this public narcissistic rage as possible, hence the picture of the switch above the toilet and the cat/sheets flaming. The chops are hilarious. I hope people can at least have some laughs about it, may as well.

What did you expect? The cream of the crop guys wouldn't touch a chick with 4 kids to 4 different men with a 10 metre disinfectant  barge pole. And this is the second time you threw urself at a guy off these silly forums.

Sorry Dove, you are a mess.

And she is worried about a measly $60. If $60 got rid of a Jackass that annoyed you, wouldn't you spend it?

She's full of shit.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"Sadly I confess to watching regular doses of Judge Judy and Pigeon keeping his Switch after he asking for it back wouldn't bode well in her court for pigeon.

He should opt for the option of picking it up at a police station.

 I never tried to keep his switch.  This is what happened.

 He insisted on pawning it as he had no money and i was out of usable funds until the next day. I did not want him to pawn it. He convinced me to let him. He did say that he would handle getting it.

 After he went home, he saw some posts of mine on SG and flipped out. Had a huge tantrum. "Dumped" me on the board.  Told me not to bother worrying about the Switch because he bought a new one. Threw a fit he didnt "trust" me and wouldnt open a package from me anyway.

 He became irrational. So i figured screw it and left it alone.

 Then he came to me in PM apologizing. We started chatting again.(This time with me being very clear it was to he a friendship only and anything beyond must move very, very slowly as i had a lot going on and i have to consider my children and im no where near ready to even consider bringing a new relationship into their life.) He again was saying not to worry about the switch.

 Then while i was working, on day 2 of 3 consecutive shifts, he started telling me in message i needed to get and ship the switch immediately. That his kids were freaking out and his ex wife and brother were calling me a scum bag. He went on like this until i lost my temper as he wasnt understanding that i cannot just leave work and get it because he snapped his fingers.  All of this with him is about control. Not the switch.

 He realized this approach wasnt working. Changed his attitide and we agreed i would get it and ship it on the 16th as i got paid on the 15th. He agreed to this.

 Then, on the 14th(saturday night), he started blowing up my phone. I was sick and so was my 3 year old. He called until he woke me up and almost woke up my lil one. It took me forever to get her to sleep as she was miserable. So when i answered and there was just yelling and swearing, and he wasnt saying why, i hung up. He then started send irrational abusive messages. Accusing me of sharing pictures he showed me of some random girl to Freud.

 Then started telling me if i do not mail the switch right then he would call the police(it was midnight on saturday). Then demanded it the next day, on Sunday. So i told him to stop messaging me and i blocked him.

 He had been trying to impress me with money and had been sending random small amounts that total to 108 dollars. I used this to get the switch out. It costs 168 dollars. So i paid the 60 out of my own money.

 He then started his baiting and bullshit on the internet. I ignored this mostly taking the high road. This guy cannot take a crap without making a podcast or post about what color it is.  Eventually people got sick of him taking shots, me ignoring it, so i was given the green light to stomp back. And i did.

 He drug everything about this damn switch to the boards acting like he did this all for me and im this huge unreasonable scum bag blah blah.

 So after dealing with this complete liar who lies about literally everything, i screwed with him a bit about shipping the switch when i didnt. Giving him a little taste of his own bullshit.

 Since i will not NOT spend another penny for this losers benefit, he was given the choice to send a prepaid fedex label, packing materials and specifications along with insurance in case there was damage done in the shipping process or it got lost in transit. I will not be liable for this.  His other option was coming here and getting it from the police station.

 The shipping option wasnt good enough for him as he claimed he had sent me "money for shipping". The money he sent he was saying he wanted to just give as gift. This is entirely in messaging.  Again it was a total of 108, which didnt even cover the cost of pulling it out of pawn.

 Since instead of being clear on how he wants to get his switch, which is apparently so important that his family is devastated(a complete line of BS, btw), he chose to start more abusive behavoir as well as flinging threats.

 So after offering the shipping option only to be met with refusal, demands and threats, his only option now is getting it from the station because im not lifting a finger for this unreasonable lying asshole after trying for several weeks to help him get it back while he played ridiculous games complicating it.

 He is free to uber his broke ass to the county court here and pay filing fees to take me to small claims court, but if he cannot even provide a fed ex label and insurance or manage to get to the station, i doubt he will be able to do that.  If he does, he can explain to a judge why he refused every reasonable avenue to get his switch for several weeks because he wanted ME to pay for all of it.

 What wouldnt bode well is that he was given very reasonable options to get his switch and instead of being compliant and reasonable, he stomped his feet, threw tantrums, made threats and demanded i do it HIS way.  No one is keeping the switch from him BUT him.

 This little fling was a short nightmare and this guy is complete pathological liar who becomes irrational and abusive if something doesnt go his way. The way he responded to a back ground check pretty much told me.

 I have far too much going on in my life to even consider a relationship especailly one with someone who perpetually lies, manipulates and brings loads of drama.

 So this is the saga of the switch.

 IF the switch indeed belongs to his child, and his family is so devastated(none of this is true, fyi), i said openly his ex is free to contact me via FB and i will pay the expenses to ship it to HER. Because i understand it sucks to have a psycho lying ex and i do not want a child to suffer because of his dads extremely poor, selfish bullyish behavoir.

 However im not even spending a single cent i could spend on my own children to give this fucktard his way.  This is the direct result of his own choices.

 He came off very normal, funny and cool at first. Someone who maybe had potentail for more going very slowly down the road. However once the mask started slipping, it started pretty quick and devolved to the embarrassing trainwreck you see on the boards. He really pushed and pushed to get far too serious far too soon....which is always a red flag.  Jealous tantrums over GB spending weekends at my place to help with OUR children was pretty over the top as well. This was all basically over before it even began.

 This is really the most ive ever really said about it online. I had asked him repeatedly to honor my privacy and keep whatever relationship he had with me off the internet. Clearly he is not capable of considering anyone but himself.

 Thats a wrap.

 Since this guy has no clue how the adult world works, he devoted himself to a ridiculous and desperate smear campaign attempting to control me via public opinion. This is straight out of the NPD playbook. I remain unmoved.

 I have attempted to bring as much humor and entertainment value to this public narcissistic rage as possible, hence the picture of the switch above the toilet and the cat/sheets flaming. The chops are hilarious. I hope people can at least have some laughs about it, may as well.

What did you expect? The cream of the crop guys wouldn't touch a chick with 4 kids to 4 different men with a 10 metre disinfectant  barge pole. And this is the second time you threw urself at a guy off these silly forums.

Sorry Dove, you are a mess.

And she is worried about a measly $60. If $60 got rid of a Jackass that annoyed you, wouldn't you spend it?

She's full of shit.



Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Shen Li"If you were so concerned about your kids, you wouldn't be throwing urself at guys on anonymous message boards. I realize you can't be too choosy, but that is just pathetic. I know white women lack self control, but even by white standards, you look like a desperate nymph.


 I didnt throw myself at anyone.  As i stated, i was very clear that i did NOT want any sort of serious relationship.

 Regardless of how this nut carried on online, we were mostly NOT a couple, as i stated to him that i am not anywhere wanting a relationship.

 So you are barking up the wrong tree, here. Take it to the desperate loser who doesnt consider children at all and cannot cope with rejection or reality.

 Glad i could help. Im too feminists for this angle though, youll get more action outta Poofer. Im just reading from you that you find a womans worth in her man and motherhood is garbage, a line of thinking i find positively revolting and sexist.

Sure, you didn't want it, you tried to stop it. :001_rolleyes: Just like the other guy on these forums. There's a pattern with you followed by excuses, excuses, excuses.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
What did you expect? The cream of the crop guys wouldn't touch a chick with 4 kids to 4 different men with a 10 metre disinfectant  barge pole. And this is the second time you threw urself at a guy off these silly forums.

Sorry Dove, you are a mess.

That's very harsh and judgmental Shen.


Pigeon is going on to 40... she has to wake up to herself.

And she's still taking drugs. She got drugs off a friend instead of going to a doctor.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Pants Yamato

I'll bet a syringe full of mediocre heroin Dove does not even know all her children's names let alone the baby daddy.

Pants Yamato

How many guys have Dove and Murdoch actually met off these forums and slept with? If the answer is greater than zero what does that say about them? Food for thought although Murdoch's fat ass would probably demand a buffet pass and Dove some prescription meds.



Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Shen Li"If you were so concerned about your kids, you wouldn't be throwing urself at guys on anonymous message boards. I realize you can't be too choosy, but that is just pathetic. I know white women lack self control, but even by white standards, you look like a desperate nymph.


 I didnt throw myself at anyone.  As i stated, i was very clear that i did NOT want any sort of serious relationship.

 Regardless of how this nut carried on online, we were mostly NOT a couple, as i stated to him that i am not anywhere wanting a relationship.

 So you are barking up the wrong tree, here. Take it to the desperate loser who doesnt consider children at all and cannot cope with rejection or reality.

 Glad i could help. Im too feminists for this angle though, youll get more action outta Poofer. Im just reading from you that you find a womans worth in her man and motherhood is garbage, a line of thinking i find positively revolting and sexist.

Sure, you didn't want it, you tried to stop it. :001_rolleyes: Just like the other guy on these forums. There's a pattern with you followed by excuses, excuses, excuses.

 I didnt "try" anything.

 I told him i wanted just a friendship. He pushed. I slammed the breaks and cut him off. He had a public tantrum for over a week.

 Where are you getting this?  Do you struggle with boundaries and assume others do?

 Am i the naughty naughty villian cuz ill kick men to the curb? This is a topic.

 Why do sone women think having a man is what a woman should root her worth on?

 Annndddd go.


Quote from: "Pants Yamato"I'll bet a syringe full of mediocre heroin Dove does not even know all her children's names let alone the baby daddy.

 And call someone over the condition of that house. Even as a smack head, i saw cleaner more up to code trap houses.

 Seen it lately?


Quote from: "Pants Yamato"How many guys have Dove and Murdoch actually met off these forums and slept with? If the answer is greater than zero what does that say about them? Food for thought although Murdoch's fat ass would probably demand a buffet pass and Dove some prescription meds.

Unfuckingbelievable, isn't it. However, at least Murdock's kids are adults. Dove is a selfish human being who keeps making piss poor choices  and then rationalizes/pretends to be a victim after it blows up in her face. Rinse and repeat.

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