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avatar_Biggie Smiles

I love Ron DeSantis!

Started by Biggie Smiles, July 06, 2023, 09:32:52 AM

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Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on August 04, 2023, 12:30:27 PM
In theory it's not impossible. Shit, on a long enough timeline even Mudcock could exhibit the levels of sex appeal found in your average road accident, so I can kinda understand why people like Seoulbrah and Oerdin would carry a candle for De Sanctimonious.
I do not care about the candidate all that much. With me, it is ninety percent policy. So far, DeSantis has the most detailed plan of all the candidates for the GOP.

Adolf Oliver Bush

I heard the Devil is in the detail. More detail equals more Devil. It certainly seemed to be the case when Hillary was running for the Dems in 2016. She had more detail in her police than Trump did. So much detail, she was compelled to split it up; detail for the voters, detail for her donors.

The Don had one detail that interested me. Ironically it was the same detail that Bernie Sanders was pushing - essentially getting the corruption out of politics. Only Bernie ended up bent over and detailing Hillary's flaccid schwanz after she had fucked him with it during the primaries while Don rampaged about like a bull in a china shop. And I liked the results his rampaging brought for the most part. Shit, it took a manufactured panic to bring Trump's America to its knees and still he was out there, fucking up the globalist agenda at every turn.

I'll take another four years of that any day of the week thanks. Lay it on me brother. Gimme back that good old energy independence, gimme back that those economy nutritious tax cuts. Gimme back the sterling foreign policy, steeped as it was in the drawing down of troops and the no new wars started during any President's term since Jimmy Carter and for fucks sake gimme back them boner inducing tweets.

I have on the one hand a guy promising to lay waste to the middle class and free speech versus a guy whose already proven track record which, while not perfect, put a fuck of a lot more ticks in pro column than crosses in the deficit column. And he's got an axe to grind with the people who took his Win and flushed itl past the U bend.

There's a reason why the also-rans are trailing by three dozen percentage points or more, just as there is a reason why all his political opponents are shaking in their boots. He's made America great once, I've no reason to expect that he is incapable of doing it again.

Fuck De Santis. Fuck him in the ass with a fire hydrant.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Florida's K-12 education framework is paving the way for other conservative states by creating a blueprint for eliminating woke ideology and prioritizing core academics, according to a new report.

Dr. Scott Yenor, a Washington fellow at the Claremont Institute and a political science professor at Boise State University, and Anna K. Miller, the director of the Center for American Education, recently released a report highlighting Florida's education successes and how its policies could serve as a framework for leaders in other red states to reform.

The report, "Florida's Blueprint for K-12 Education," details how Republican Governor Ron DeSantis and his administration have exposed critical race theory and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within the state's education system and implemented new policies prioritizing academic excellence and competence.

Miller said, "We did an in-depth evaluation on Florida's K-12 system and to what extent the policies [of] DeSantis' administration have been working or not. We found that they, overall, have been successful. The spread of corrupt ideology in the system is slowing down; it's weakening."

After our review, we think that the Florida model is the blueprint that every other red state should start pursuing as well," Miller added.

As far as which policies have moved the needle the most, Miller noted that the DeSantis administration's Parental Rights in Education bill has successfully pushed school districts to eliminate so-called racial equity policies and harmful gender plans that forced teachers and school staff to hide a child's gender transition from parents.

Miller and Yenor explained that Florida officials have been successful with their strategy to completely revamp the state's education standards, including abandoning Common Core state standards and rebuilding English language arts, social studies, health, mathematics, and civics standards to reorient the entire system around a new set of values that strives for academic excellence instead of DEI, CRT, and other critical social justice initiatives.

The Sunshine State also opened up additional certification options for educators besides the standard college of education curriculum, which Yenor noted should also help overhaul the state's school system.

"You have to stigmatize the bad things that schools are doing and try to help them build good things. The thing that really makes Florida stand out is that it did both of those things at the same time. The education policy folks knew that you can't build anything good if the environment around what you're trying to build — good standards — is bad. They realized they had to go after DEI, racial plans, gender plans," Yenor told TheBlaze.

"I think every state should be doing that," Yenor continued. "I think they should be taking both of those steps within the general context of destroy and replace the parts of the system that are bad."

Florida also implemented universal school choice through its Education Savings Account policy, which allows parents to choose alternative education options for their children if they are unsatisfied with their school district. Participation in Florida's ESA program has grown exponentially in the past year, Yenor reported.

The key aspects of Florida's effective strategy to reclaim traditional academic excellence included implementing universal school choice, revamping the state's education standards, and decreasing the power of the teachers' unions.

"They also have passed a paycheck protection law, and that is decreasing teachers' union membership and causing many teachers to be less on the side of the union and more on the side of reform and excellence," Miller added.

Additionally, the state requires unions to represent at least 60% of employees instead of the standard 50%. Miller explained that there is "a big misconception" that teachers' unions hold less power in conservative states than in left-leaning states.

"That's not necessarily true," Miller added. "I'll just use Idaho as an example. Governor Brad Little of Idaho, he oftentimes sides with the unions' position when it comes to education. Not on all policy issues, but when it comes to the issue of education, he generally sides with the unions. And the unions have a lot of special privileges in law and statute here in Idaho, and that's the case for many, many red states. The pressure that they're able to apply at every level of government is a huge reason why states don't pursue reform and why leaders are often hesitant to seek reform because the unions control a huge portion of their constituents."

Parents in Florida have also spearheaded efforts to regain control of the school system by getting involved in their child's school or removing them from poor-performing public districts.

"Those are two things that parents in every single state should be doing, getting both involved in the system and trying to reform it by either running for school board or testifying at hearings, whether at the school board level or at the state level. But also, really paying attention to your kid's education and getting them into an alternative system that suits them better if you can," Miller noted.

Yenor credited DeSantis and his administration for the state's successful education reform but noted that other states with larger Republican majorities could easily replicate Florida's framework and eliminate leftist ideology from K-12 classrooms.

"We're hoping that this is just a knowledge problem, that governors just don't know how to do it. By looking at Governor DeSantis, they may learn how to do it," Yenor said.

Yenor and Miller will release a similar report next month analyzing California's left-leaning school system.

A model for all of North America.


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on July 06, 2023, 09:32:52 AM<r><URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... 4b00644119"></LINK_TEXT></URL>

That's right, protect our kids and our women from these degenerate perverts and their sickening fetishes.

Florida - the last bastion of hope for America!</r>

Be careful of lip service. SOMETIMES these people are just pushing the right buttons they know people are truly concerned about.

It might already be signed that the alphabet people have the exact same rights as everyone else.... and the cannot stop trannies using the girls bathrooms... and the republicans cannot reverse it for YEARS... you don't know what these bastards get up to but I hope upon hope that whoever you end up with is better than what you have now.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur on August 18, 2023, 05:23:55 AMBe careful of lip service. SOMETIMES these people are just pushing the right buttons they know people are truly concerned about.

It might already be signed that the alphabet people have the exact same rights as everyone else.... and the cannot stop trannies using the girls bathrooms... and the republicans cannot reverse it for YEARS... you don't know what these bastards get up to but I hope upon hope that whoever you end up with is better than what you have now.
I tried warning people about it when they were obsessing over Orangemanbad in the 2020 election cycle. They weren't into understanding that however bad they thought the then-prez was, there was a far greater threat being squeezed through the door that they might have done well to pay at least cursory attention to.

Now look what they've got... a corrupt criminal and puppet whose sole claim to fame was that he previously fluffed for a gay nigger by the name of O'Bummer. Great.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) slammed the media on Sunday for "politicizing the weather" and blaming Hurricane Idalia on climate change.

After touring hurricane damage in Florida on Saturday, President Joe Biden asserted that "nobody intelligent can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore." Then, at a press conference on Sunday, a reporter asked DeSantis about Biden's remarks as well as the remarks from other media talking heads who are blaming weather events on climate change.

The Florida governor responded by quickly shutting down the leftist narrative.

"The notion that somehow hurricanes are something new, that's just false. And we've got to stop politicizing the weather and stop politicizing natural disasters," he responded.

The governor cited two powerful hurricanes that struck Florida: a 1896 storm that followed nearly the same path and had the same estimated strength as Idalia and the Labor Day hurricane in 1935, one of the most deadly and most powerful storms ever to strike the U.S. These hurricanes, DeSantis suggested, are two examples that prima facie disprove the narrative that climate change is causing more intense storms.

"The notion that somehow if we just adopt very left-wing policies at the federal level, that somehow we will not have hurricanes, that is a lie," DeSantis said.

And that is people trying to take what's happened with different types of storms and use that as a pretext to advance their agenda on the backs of people who are suffering," he continued. "And that's wrong, and we're not going to do that in the state of Florida."

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: DKG on September 05, 2023, 04:04:53 PMAfter touring hurricane damage in Florida on Saturday, President Joe Biden...
Funny thing about Joe Biden... his approval rating in the US is around 35%.

And Putin's is running at 21%.

There are less percentage points between Biden and Putin than there are between Trump and DeSantis.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on September 06, 2023, 05:00:19 AMFunny thing about Joe Biden... his approval rating in the US is around 35%.

And Putin's is running at 21%.

There are less percentage points between Biden and Putin than there are between Trump and DeSantis.

LOL! Hannity has Mike Pence on tonight. What a fukin hoot! Fox Nooze clowns are literally propping up ANYONE they think could beat Orange Man Bad!

I cant wait to see the depression when these assholes finally accept that their debates were all VICE presidential debates!  :crampe:

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Lokmar on September 07, 2023, 12:41:19 AMLOL! Hannity has Mike Pence on tonight. What a fukin hoot! Fox Nooze clowns are literally propping up ANYONE they think could beat Orange Man Bad!

I cant wait to see the depression when these assholes finally accept that their debates were all VICE presidential debates!  :crampe:
I'm hoping he names Tusli Gabbard... and grabs her on the pussy while she lets him
Funny As Fuck! Funny As Fuck! x 1 View List
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


The Florida governor is doing the inept president's job for him.

Just days after signing an executive order to rescue Americans trapped in Israel following the Hamas surprise attack last weekend, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis welcomed 270 U.S. citizens back home to the United States.


Man, what a leader. A real champion of the working class.

Ron DeSantis sent a resounding message to foreign students celebrating terrorism – not on his watch.

An NYU student was caught ripping down posters of Israelis who have been kidnapped by Hamas.

More than 30 student-run organizations at Harvard placed blame on Israel for the surprise attack by Hamas terrorists earlier this month.

The protests continued in the two weeks following the onslaught that included some 260 young Israelis who were murdered at a music festival near the border of Gaza.

DeSantis vowed to cancel visas and deport foreign students celebrating terrorist acts or terrorist groups.

"When I'm President, if foreign students are out there celebrating terrorism, I will cancel their visas and send them home," DeSantis wrote on the X social media platform on Saturday.
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Quote from: Oerdin on October 23, 2023, 09:38:50 PMRon definitely blew his 2024 chances.
He hasn't a snowball's chance in hell. He would have made the best president of all the GOP candidates.
Winner Winner x 1 View List

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Herman on October 24, 2023, 04:37:23 AMHe hasn't a snowball's chance in hell. He would have made the best president of all the GOP candidates.
Bullshit. Need I remind you of that legislation that he signed in Israel? The one where we were all assured would only target people posting "offensive content" on private property?

Well I guess someone didn't get the memo about his loosely defined legislation, since it was recently used to successfully prosecute a neo nazi for dangling a swastika from a highway overpass. Which for the slow-witted among us is NOT private property. And just in case you were thinking of saying "fuck him, he's a nazi", just remember how quickly certain establishment activists moved the goalposts after targeting Richard Spencer to start calling more and more people "nazis"... Alex Jones... Donald Trump... Bernie Sanders... even people like yourself.

Despite the plusses I can ascribe to DeSantis (and there are many), I feel vindicated in my months long assertion that he is not the guy for the job. Not now, perhaps not ever, not if he's going to open the door on further weakening of the first amendment. And having been present in Australia to see the fallout of their GST rollout decades ago, I am under no illusion as to what his stated tax amendments will do to small and independent business owners along with much of the middle class of America, further stymying an already butchered Biden economy.

I've seen his shit play out before. Not again thanks.
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Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


I don't know what you are talking about but Herman is, without question, correct.  Ron DeSantis would have made the best president of any GOO candidate.

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