Quote from: Lokmar post_id=499834 time=1683299497 user_id=3351Quote from: JOE post_id=499832 time=1683299355 user_id=97
Whatever DKG.
I wouldn't buy inta this stock market these days.
It seems a tad (or terribly) overpriced, wouldn't you agree?
Where do they get a DOW at 34,000 when the US economy and its banks are going bust? When the US economy was at peak capacity, doing well, the DOW was only 29,000.
I'd rather wait on the sidelines cuz if there's a big drop then deals galore will appear.
You know what my good friend cc said DKG: "Buy Low & Sell High"
Or what Warren Buffet said:
[be] "fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful."
As you're probably aware, the Big Investors like him and Ray Dalio are just sitting on the sidelines waiting for a decent buying opportunity.
Even with the billions they have at their disposal, they're not buying inta an overpriced market, DKG.
What? You cant even afford a decent fukin car, josephine!
Many cars will be on sale same time next year, Lokmar!
Just like yer banks, I hear your car industry is goin' broke in the USA these days eh Lokmar?