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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Sadie the Cleaning Lady

Started by caskur, August 06, 2023, 09:37:16 AM

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"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 11:48:51 AMThere is zero point in telling you anything due to your propensity to make things up.... another sign of immaturity.
Haha, look who's talking! I would be in great company then, wouldn't I?  :crampe:  I distinctly recall your penchant for banging on for months at a stretch regarding all those photos you supposedly sold at several thousand dollars a pop while world famous artists {H. R. Giger being one) would part with their award winning sculptures and paintings for a fraction of the prices you boasted, yet strangely were unable to provide any evidence for. Which of course made it child's play to paint you as a tax fraud and welfare cheat... drove you mad for years it did.  :crampe:

Of course I knew what I was doing when I launched that little soiree. Your little fantasies, harmless as they were, were nonetheless a crock of complete horseshit. And yes, I could have called them for that, but where would the entertainment value in that have been? And I being the accomplished flamer that I was and kinda still am understood something that many do not; namely that flaming relies heavily on invented details. You invented the story about being a massively successful artist, I simply picked up your fabrications and ran with it, mixing in a few nuggets of truth here and there and weaving them into the gluepit that saw you writhing, flip flopping with grandiose claims of it being PII while at the same time pretending it was all lies.

Solid grounding for the events of the world today, since that's pretty much what various people on the left have been echoing on all too many subjects. Thanks for that by the way.  :winking:

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 11:48:51 AMIt must have taken you what, 24 hours to write that
More like an hour or two actually.... but it was good for two days worth of run-on posts from yourself. I've always enjoyed that effect on you.  :yeahhh: 

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMSo many words you write and you would be broke from me taking up your stupid bets...
I'd make it all back again the minute you started hexing me, I'm sure. Look at your efforts of 2016 to bring me unstuck... relaunched my career in music it did, put me in the same circles as a bunch of idols from my childhood, some of whom you weren't even aware were vocalists in their own right...

Quote from: caskur on August 18, 2023, 01:35:24 PMI didn't know Dan Ackroyd was a singer...

How the fuck did you miss that??? Jesus woman, I knew that Western Australia was decades behind the rest of the world and all (a Western Australian told me) but Ackroyd's performative skills behind the microphone were good for a slew of albums and featured in at least two major movies that I'm aware of. What rock have you been hiding under?

Ahhh, I shouldn't be too hard on you I guess, I mean you did put me on the same map as him and a ton of other Real Musicians besides. To think I was so close to tossing it all in and heading to Los Angeles... you going all out to torpedo that option meant a mere four months later my production skills were getting noticed in all manner of circles. Again, "thanks".  :good:

Here, I'm a generous man...

...and do feel free to educate yourself with The Blues Brothers back catalogue, as well as the extended family of musicians that went with... James Brown... Donald "Duck" Dunn... Paul Schaeffer... Cab Calloway... Urethra Franklin... to name but a few.

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PM...but you are right... me at the age of 11 had no income to buy Telethon Albums..
You didn't? Relax, I wasn't collecting Telethon albums either at age 11, though I was putting together what would become a sizeable collection. Pretty much all my available cash flow went towards the purchase of records and tapes, by the age of 14 I was creating radio programs on the local radio station... within a few short years the program directors of commercial stations were listening to my shows for songs to include in their own formats. I know this because I'd play some long forgotten hit once or twice and within the week I'd hear it on their broadcasts.

Made me chuckle when it would happen. And it proved to me that even then I had a knack for reading my audience and providing the goods to keep them tuning in. "Kickass" as they say in the classics.

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMand smashing to death your assumptions so many words to try to convince, God knows who, that one of the 21st century Greatest vocalists isn't good enough.
He was good enough to be a boner buffer for Molly, I dunno what your problem is.

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMWe are all "brainwashed" apparently (according to mong) if we aren't on the same page as a fucking loonie him...
No, you're brainwashed because you don't go searching off your own bat, you simply switch on the tube or the chatterbox, let them tell you what's "popular" and decide that because they say it is, then you must like it. Sometimes it takes you a lot of repeat listens. When a song is hammered at you on high rotation (and once or more an hour qualifies for that) you'll gladly sling your shingle to it and get your nose way out of joint when everyone does not jump on your page.

It's cultist behaviour and you're the one guilty of it, not I. I could take a poll of the people here and guess the percentage points of people here that were aware of your Johhny Farnham's ode to housework could be counted on the fingers of one finger before you started banging on about it.

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMis the full moon out yet?
Yeah, I'm browneyeing you as I type this. Sue me.

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMYou want to hear me sing, pay me $10,000 to think about about it then.
Not especially, it's better for me to make the claim you haven't and have you back me up by not offering up public proof to the contrary. See my earlier comments about your thousand dollar a shot photographic skills; no refutation of the claim with solid proof means I get to ride you for as long as I like... which for the purposes of our discussion is likely to include quite a few of your mentions of "my songs".

Of which plenty of examples have been on offer... in some cases for as long as you've been pretending to be the Queen of Flame.

Like this one about a certain Yahoo Chat mic fighter's penchant for inserting things in his rectum...

Recorded in a couple of hours in my lounge room. Craps all over some whining yodel about cleaning ladies, I shit you not. Provided free of charge too, though I don't mind telling you that after it went viral on Second Life some ten years ago, it too made me (and PWL) some royalty coin. Hey, I wasn't going to argue with that result!!!  :yeahhh: 

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMI never admitted to being able to write any songs nor play an instrument. I sold my Fender classical guitar reluctantly to a dude who virtually snatched it out of my arms...I lost interest in playing the guitar because I was useless at tuning it. I was an expert plucking out Michael Rode the Boat to Shore.
Yeah well... you just admitted to not having an ear for something pretty basic in the music trade. Not a lot of people do, but then not a lot of people can lay claim to fronting the requisite oral skills for Molly either.

I happen to know Johnny Farnham had both, and I know it because I know people that played in bands with him back in the day. People who weren't in the habit of getting on their knees in return for a ticket to The Big Time. It so happens that Johnny was and that's why you know his name today. It didn't matter how well he could hit his notes (and yes, he can hit them) he had to be hungry enough to gobble enough cock for the promoters of the day to even bother getting behind his ass and bumfucking him in the general direction of the public consciousness. His peers were just as talented, some even more so. They didn't "service the contract" so to speak.

You want an example of a band that made it on their own terms in Australia, take a look at Cold Chisel. They told Molly to fuck off and were ignored like so many others. They made it in spite of this handicap. And quite a few were laughing when they got so popular doing it that people like Molly started talking about "this brand new band" he'd just discovered that the rest of us had known about for years. 

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMI am a visual fine artist, not a musician. So? What difference does that make?
Only that when you start appropriating Johnny Farnham's efforts in lieu of your own and start comparing them to "my songs". You see, you have none of your own to put up. You all but admit as much yourself.

Here's the kicker though; I am a producer/engineer. And Johnny isn't. In the documentation of performances, I can and have run rings about that fucker and unlike him I didn't engage in homosexual practices to make my mark.

No... I just pissed you off instead. Have I thanked you for your efforts towards my career lately?  :crampe:

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMMy voice is an instrument.
Everyone's is. And just so you know, it atrophies pretty fucking fast when you don't exercise it. Say, if your mouth gets infested with cancerous maggots.

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMI am in retirement so I need to make sure what I have now moneywise covers the next 20 years...
Yeah well it's not like you'd have to spend any of it to prove me wrong or anything. I've recorded stuff on borrowed equipment before and DAWs like Audacity can be had for free. I use Reaper myself for preference; the last time I checked the demo for that was fully funcyioning and only nagged you every once in a while to register it... an arrangement I know you were familiar with from your time with Ulead.

So really, you could do it if you (a) had the ability and (b) the willingness to put your mind to it. I did and I have something to show for it.

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMWhen I was thinking of "Cleaning Ladies" I wasn't thinking of housewives, I was thinking about the cleaning staff in hospitals... they stand between US AND SURE DEATH ya slow learner grrrrrr..

You mean these fuckers?

Make me laugh! Those wankers were blowing out the lungs of entire wards of people on ventilators and praying for the unjabbled to die for the heinous crime of not submitting to experimental injections while they hid all the Ivermectin.

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMthey deserved an anthem and Sadie is it.
Strange, it sounds more like some beaner strangling his cat. Must be some version of Cleaning Lady that I wasn't previously aware of.

What it should have been was this...

I might be a rock star, but I'll never be a critic
I might like porno, but Baywatch is fucking sick
I might have screwed your sister, but I'll never screw your mum
I might have gone to uni, but at least I know I'm dumb

I might hide my small penis, but at least not by owning a gun
I might not be homosexual, but I've slept with a guy who's one
I might agree with Jesus, but I've got no religious belief
At least I clean the drops up when I piss on the toilet seat

I might be a cunt... I might be a cunt
But I'm not a fucking cunt

I might barrack for Port Power, but never for the Crows
I might watch A Current Affair, but I watch Frontline also
I might like Tarantino, but sometimes you gotta wonder
I mightn't tell the truth all the time
Hey, what's your mum's number?

I might be a cunt... I might be a cunt
But I'm not a fucking cunt

Quote from: caskur on August 19, 2023, 01:11:33 PMYou need to quit while you're behind...

What, and hand you an unearned win? Yeah right, you fucking tone deaf loser!!!  :s_laugh:
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on August 23, 2023, 09:38:04 AMHaha, look who's talking! I would be in great company then, wouldn't I?  :crampe:  I distinctly recall your penchant for banging on for months at a stretch regarding all those photos you supposedly sold at several thousand dollars a pop while world famous artists {H. R. Giger being one) would part with their award winning sculptures and paintings for a fraction of the prices you boasted, yet strangely were unable to provide any evidence for. Which of course made it child's play to paint you as a tax fraud and welfare cheat... drove you mad for years it did.  :crampe:

Of course I knew what I was doing when I launched that little soiree. Your little fantasies, harmless as they were, were nonetheless a crock of complete horseshit. And yes, I could have called them for that, but where would the entertainment value in that have been? And I being the accomplished flamer that I was and kinda still am understood something that many do not; namely that flaming relies heavily on invented details. You invented the story about being a massively successful artist, I simply picked up your fabrications and ran with it, mixing in a few nuggets of truth here and there and weaving them into the gluepit that saw you writhing, flip flopping with grandiose claims of it being PII while at the same time pretending it was all lies.

Solid grounding for the events of the world today, since that's pretty much what various people on the left have been echoing on all too many subjects. Thanks for that by the way.  :winking:

More like an hour or two actually.... but it was good for two days worth of run-on posts from yourself. I've always enjoyed that effect on you.  :yeahhh: 

I'd make it all back again the minute you started hexing me, I'm sure. Look at your efforts of 2016 to bring me unstuck... relaunched my career in music it did, put me in the same circles as a bunch of idols from my childhood, some of whom you weren't even aware were vocalists in their own right...

How the fuck did you miss that??? Jesus woman, I knew that Western Australia was decades behind the rest of the world and all (a Western Australian told me) but Ackroyd's performative skills behind the microphone were good for a slew of albums and featured in at least two major movies that I'm aware of. What rock have you been hiding under?

Ahhh, I shouldn't be too hard on you I guess, I mean you did put me on the same map as him and a ton of other Real Musicians besides. To think I was so close to tossing it all in and heading to Los Angeles... you going all out to torpedo that option meant a mere four months later my production skills were getting noticed in all manner of circles. Again, "thanks".  :good:

Here, I'm a generous man...

...and do feel free to educate yourself with The Blues Brothers back catalogue, as well as the extended family of musicians that went with... James Brown... Donald "Duck" Dunn... Paul Schaeffer... Cab Calloway... Urethra Franklin... to name but a few.

You didn't? Relax, I wasn't collecting Telethon albums either at age 11, though I was putting together what would become a sizeable collection. Pretty much all my available cash flow went towards the purchase of records and tapes, by the age of 14 I was creating radio programs on the local radio station... within a few short years the program directors of commercial stations were listening to my shows for songs to include in their own formats. I know this because I'd play some long forgotten hit once or twice and within the week I'd hear it on their broadcasts.

Made me chuckle when it would happen. And it proved to me that even then I had a knack for reading my audience and providing the goods to keep them tuning in. "Kickass" as they say in the classics.

He was good enough to be a boner buffer for Molly, I dunno what your problem is.

No, you're brainwashed because you don't go searching off your own bat, you simply switch on the tube or the chatterbox, let them tell you what's "popular" and decide that because they say it is, then you must like it. Sometimes it takes you a lot of repeat listens. When a song is hammered at you on high rotation (and once or more an hour qualifies for that) you'll gladly sling your shingle to it and get your nose way out of joint when everyone does not jump on your page.

It's cultist behaviour and you're the one guilty of it, not I. I could take a poll of the people here and guess the percentage points of people here that were aware of your Johhny Farnham's ode to housework could be counted on the fingers of one finger before you started banging on about it.

Yeah, I'm browneyeing you as I type this. Sue me.

Not especially, it's better for me to make the claim you haven't and have you back me up by not offering up public proof to the contrary. See my earlier comments about your thousand dollar a shot photographic skills; no refutation of the claim with solid proof means I get to ride you for as long as I like... which for the purposes of our discussion is likely to include quite a few of your mentions of "my songs".

Of which plenty of examples have been on offer... in some cases for as long as you've been pretending to be the Queen of Flame.

Like this one about a certain Yahoo Chat mic fighter's penchant for inserting things in his rectum...

Recorded in a couple of hours in my lounge room. Craps all over some whining yodel about cleaning ladies, I shit you not. Provided free of charge too, though I don't mind telling you that after it went viral on Second Life some ten years ago, it too made me (and PWL) some royalty coin. Hey, I wasn't going to argue with that result!!!  :yeahhh: 

Yeah well... you just admitted to not having an ear for something pretty basic in the music trade. Not a lot of people do, but then not a lot of people can lay claim to fronting the requisite oral skills for Molly either.

I happen to know Johnny Farnham had both, and I know it because I know people that played in bands with him back in the day. People who weren't in the habit of getting on their knees in return for a ticket to The Big Time. It so happens that Johnny was and that's why you know his name today. It didn't matter how well he could hit his notes (and yes, he can hit them) he had to be hungry enough to gobble enough cock for the promoters of the day to even bother getting behind his ass and bumfucking him in the general direction of the public consciousness. His peers were just as talented, some even more so. They didn't "service the contract" so to speak.

You want an example of a band that made it on their own terms in Australia, take a look at Cold Chisel. They told Molly to fuck off and were ignored like so many others. They made it in spite of this handicap. And quite a few were laughing when they got so popular doing it that people like Molly started talking about "this brand new band" he'd just discovered that the rest of us had known about for years. 

Only that when you start appropriating Johnny Farnham's efforts in lieu of your own and start comparing them to "my songs". You see, you have none of your own to put up. You all but admit as much yourself.

Here's the kicker though; I am a producer/engineer. And Johnny isn't. In the documentation of performances, I can and have run rings about that fucker and unlike him I didn't engage in homosexual practices to make my mark.

No... I just pissed you off instead. Have I thanked you for your efforts towards my career lately?  :crampe:

Everyone's is. And just so you know, it atrophies pretty fucking fast when you don't exercise it. Say, if your mouth gets infested with cancerous maggots.

Yeah well it's not like you'd have to spend any of it to prove me wrong or anything. I've recorded stuff on borrowed equipment before and DAWs like Audacity can be had for free. I use Reaper myself for preference; the last time I checked the demo for that was fully funcyioning and only nagged you every once in a while to register it... an arrangement I know you were familiar with from your time with Ulead.

So really, you could do it if you (a) had the ability and (b) the willingness to put your mind to it. I did and I have something to show for it.

You mean these fuckers?

Make me laugh! Those wankers were blowing out the lungs of entire wards of people on ventilators and praying for the unjabbled to die for the heinous crime of not submitting to experimental injections while they hid all the Ivermectin.

Strange, it sounds more like some beaner strangling his cat. Must be some version of Cleaning Lady that I wasn't previously aware of.

What it should have been was this...

I might be a rock star, but I'll never be a critic
I might like porno, but Baywatch is fucking sick
I might have screwed your sister, but I'll never screw your mum
I might have gone to uni, but at least I know I'm dumb

I might hide my small penis, but at least not by owning a gun
I might not be homosexual, but I've slept with a guy who's one
I might agree with Jesus, but I've got no religious belief
At least I clean the drops up when I piss on the toilet seat

I might be a cunt... I might be a cunt
But I'm not a fucking cunt

I might barrack for Port Power, but never for the Crows
I might watch A Current Affair, but I watch Frontline also
I might like Tarantino, but sometimes you gotta wonder
I mightn't tell the truth all the time
Hey, what's your mum's number?

I might be a cunt... I might be a cunt
But I'm not a fucking cunt

What, and hand you an unearned win? Yeah right, you fucking tone deaf loser!!!  :s_laugh:

i recognize this style.... did you ever post at VF? was your name "giga-wattz" or something? just curious.... probably mistaken....


I made A LOT of money in my last art exhibition hairy legs... A LOT.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: deadskinmask on August 23, 2023, 07:04:16 PMi recognize this style.... did you ever post at VF? was your name "giga-wattz" or something? just curious.... probably mistaken....

Please leave this thread unless you want to talk about the world's finest singer and surviving cancer patient, John Farnham.

or take it to PM.... you are wearing out my scroll wheel.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


pretty sure theres an "ignore" function.... feel free to add me.... have a day....


Poor old Dum Sum, always stuck in the past... I use  Paint Shop Pro Ultimate if I want to chop. That is why KM thinks I am best Chopper in flame town  but Raven puts out a great effort and so does Frood as well.

Producer engineer???? Don't make me laugh...

ps, you have proven you have shit taste in music...
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


It makes me lmao at how many times Adolf Bush Diver mentions poor Molly Meldrum. He is obsessed about him.

I have never seen an obsession like it..

I hardly ever watched Countdown. I did have a huge crush on John Paul Young though...and Shirley Strachan (however it's spelled)

and David Cassidy.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


the music is good in the vicaroo however the lyrics are disgusting and if you think I believe for 1 nanosecond John Farnham was a poofta and got it on with Meldrum those rocks in your pointy head have pulped your grey matter red.

 :crazy:  :crazy:

Also I never got into the Blues Brothers. Drug theme movies aren't for Jehovah's Witnesses and I hate blues.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Reggie Essent


"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Reggie Essent


"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Reggie Essent

Quote from: caskur on August 23, 2023, 08:43:37 PMavatar_Reggie Essent

I don't click on videos, silly girl.

I'm just messing with you anyway.  Isn't he some Aussie singing star?

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